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Social services email!

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Member since
November 2020

5 posts

Just received an email from my sw outlining everything my children are on Cin.

Everything I knew about I just asked for some clarification. Anyway they said they would be conducting random weekly visits during the day to make sure I'm doing ok. Feel like I've made the mistake of telling them how lonley I am at the moment and feel like my mental health is slipping up again (did have post natal depression)

can they actually just turn up to check up on me? I'm at home with my 18 month old but feel like they are potentially invading my privacy just a little bit....more than they already are!

Posted Fri November 20, 2020 5:14pmReport post

Mum in distress

Member since
August 2020

20 posts

CIN is voluntary so it's difficult for them to do unannounced visits... you can effectively remove your self from a CIN plan altogether....but that's really not a good idea in this situation as they'll likely slap a CPP on you for non compliance.

You can refuse the visits but be aware they might get the idea you're hiding something and step it up a gear.....also if you feel your mental health is slipping, contact your GP now.....then they will feel you are being proactive about it rather than it being a negative thing

Posted Sun November 22, 2020 6:10amReport post


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

I feel your pain about being lonely..I feel lost and lonely every single minute of the day and I just want to curl up in a corner and never come out..sometimes I sit here and just burst into tears thinking about when and how this will ever end,

I don't sleep properly, some days I don't eat properly and there's days I wear the same clothes over and over because quite simply , what's the point..But I tell anyone about this?
how would sw react if she knew this? Would she take our daughter away? Rest assured I manage to look after her.

what about me though? Who's looking after's so unfair isn't it?
you know you need help but for all the wrong reasons, you don't feel able to seek that much needed help


Posted Mon November 23, 2020 12:06pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

5 posts

Feel like I'm walking on egg shells all the time. I am scared of children's services the list of things I have to agree to. The fact they want to just come randomly during the day once a week to 'see if I'm ok' so what now if I'm not at home when they randomly turn up what are they going to say? Am I just now supposed to sit indoors all week!! Great I'm already lonley as it is!!
I wake up and go to sleep in the middle I'm just mum I'm no longer me anymore I look after my children and keep them safe. But as you say who cares about me no one that's who!

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 7:11pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

39 posts

I would question anybody who is able to walk through this without crumbling! At first I didn't eat, lost a stone in a week. Now I eat like a wild boar but not regularly or with any routine. The loneliness is crippling, they seem to have no concept of the fact they blow our lives to pieces with that knock. We loose everything it's only natural to struggle and the fear of admitting that because we'd be penalised is unfair and unhealthy. I wish the how are you doing questions felt genuine instead of a trick.
All I needed was to hear that the fact I hadn't showered in a week, didn't want to live anymore and felt detached from what they were telling me was a normal reaction instead of having to present as fine. It's grief and it's trauma all mixed into one whilst you have to have the fight of your life.

Absolutely do not sit in waiting for the visit, I wouldn't anyway. Speaking to the GP would show you are being proactive as well. Do you work at all? My work organised private counselling through access to work funding and that proved to be invaluable. Not sure how though as it was somebody I work with organised it for me. They knew about what is happening as I had to make the disclosure. That's been my lifeline having somebody I can be totally honest with.

Posted Wed November 25, 2020 10:18amReport post

Quick exit