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Husband asked to leave job

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Member since
May 2019

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Posted Sat November 21, 2020 6:07amReport post

So yesterday husband was asked to attend a meeting with his boss, where he was handed a letter telling him that due to security reasons and him not informing the company earlier of his conviction they would be going for gross misconduct. He has been told best option would be to hand his notice in that way he still gets a month's money.

To say he/we are beyond devisated is an understatement. For him this was his 'normal' no-one knew him as anything other than him. For me all my feelings of hurt, disappointment, hatred came flooding back. At one point I even said to him 'I hope it was all worth it"

He saw his PO yesterday who has told him of a couple of services they know off going forward for re employment. Has anyone else been in this situation and is it going to be easy getting another job with a conviction and being on the register??

Here's to another weekend of no sleep and feeling like s##t.....

Mata x


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 9:46amReport post

My husband also lost his job which was devastating on all levels. The current climate makes it even trickier to find something else. He has joined an agency and is getting work - it's low paid in comparison to what he was getting paid but it's better than claiming JSA (and it's low stress work which was a factor in him offending before) Get your husband to check out the Unlock website as I believe it lists employers that are 'friendly' to people with convictions (think it's called Ban the Box or something like that)

It will be easier to find something more permanent once the conviction is spent - so two years for my husband. I believe you don't then have to disclose your conviction on application forms



Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 12:12pmReport post

My partner had a similar situation but while under investigation. They suspended him and then said he had to leave due to security reasons (worked for a council).

Not all jobs ask about convictions. My understanding is you don't have to disclose unless asked. My partner did work for a company with a pay cut but at least he was working. When he got his sentence he looked elsewhere and has a job now as an engineer and similar role to what he has done before. But because he has been out of the sector for a few years he is deemed a graduate ... He graduated ten years ago. But they never asked about any possible convictions.

Best to be mindful of jobs that might also ask for background checks later on e.g. Doing project or client work. My partner had to turn down a few projects at his previous job saying he knew he would not pass the checks, thankfully his work didn't ask further as to why.

Unlock is meant to be good also. I can understand it is daunting but it is deffo not the end of the road. Probation should continue to provide some support since it is much better for people to get work ofc. Also I think it can help with well being.

Also check how long your partner will need to disclose his conviction. I know for my partner his won't be spent until 6 years after the end of his suspended sentence. And he got two years, so has to inform where required for 8 years in total. Not sure about SOR aspect tho.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Sat November 21, 2020 1:59pmReport post

Sorry to jump on do you have to disclose when applying for jobs


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 3:19pmReport post

You don't have to disclose I think if under investigation, but depends on the job role and contracts terms. If applying for jobs if they ask you have to disclose. And at any point an employer asks about convictions they must be disclosed.

It is public sector and bigger private companies that are more likely to ask.


Member since
March 2020

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Posted Sat November 21, 2020 4:23pmReport post

I'm so sorry :( I really hope that he finds something else soon... There ARE opportunities out there, it may just take a little longer.

May I ask how your husband's employer found out?


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 4:35pmReport post

Thankyou all for your replies, i think once the shock has worn off he can look at the websites that have been mentioned and see what is out there,

Melody to answer your question, his probation officer instructed him to do so, it was either he tells them or they would make the phone call. The letter he received yesterday stated they have concerns that he didn't divulge at the beginning.

Its not just the conviction but the implications of being on the register i dont know how much that will affect getting employment??

Mata xx


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 6:01pmReport post

I don't think being on the register matters - unless they are going for jobs which require a dbs check which would obviously then be flagged up? to not apply for these type of jobs!

Mum in distress

Member since
August 2020

20 posts

Posted Sun November 22, 2020 5:47amReport post

Same thing happened to my ex husband....they took his work laptop when they arrested him so they kinda knew about it....but he obviously played it down because when he was then charged they hit the roof and politely asked him to leave before they sacked him.

Honesty is always the best policy, and most employment contracts state you have to disclose criminal activity, especially if you work for government agencies or PLCs......