Family and Friends Forum

Suspended sentence - what now?

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Member since
September 2020

42 posts

What is life after the decision of a suspended sentence? Can anyone share their experiences? What support is offered to the person? Feeling pretty lost.

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 2:02pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

107 posts


What was your partner charged with. We are in court next week and i am hoping for a leniet sentence, my undrstanting of this us that you still get put on the register but personelly i think it is better than prison.

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 2:36pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

My partner got suspended sentence over a year ago.

Within three days he had to go to his local police station to register on the SOR. Took less than hour to go through. After the hearing he went to the probation office at the courts and they found him his local team and forwarded his details.

He then had to arrange how to pay the fine, agreed in two installments over two months.

Then on he has had regular contact with his probation officer and under went a risk assessment and management plan within the first few months which is reviewed at least annually.

Community service took a while to sort out since he worked full time and weekend shifts were over subscribed....

He has check ins with the police, sometimes planned but can be random. He has software on his laptop to alert dodgy behaviour.

For me post sentence has been less stressful because we know what to expect now. Bit ofc our lives are restricted a bit (e.g. travel and work opportunities).

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 4:50pm
Edited Mon November 23, 2020 4:51pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

I agreed life is definitely easier post sentencing as you can start to look towards the future without the uncertainty of what might happen.

Other than what majestictopaz15 has already said, expect a visit from the police pretty soon assuming you are living in the same house. If you aren't in the same house, you may still get a visit in order for the police to ensure you have been told the full information on the offence etc.

For him, probation may be able to help him with accessing any counselling that he might need. For you, however, I've found it terrible. My husband needed to move back here and so I had several conversations with the probation service before that happened, which was useful. I also requested a home visit, so that was arranged with both probation and the police for the same time. That was useful for me as I could ask my questions and ensure that I understood the implications.

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 7:29pmReport post


Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Thanks for your replies guys. I hope you are all doing okay. This is such a horrible journey to be on. I feel so unsettled all the time, constantly stressed. From when I wake up I think about it. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. What a horrendous thing to go through.

Does anyone know about what support and counselling the person is offered after sentencing? Is it a condition of sentencing sometimes? What kind of support do they offer and for how long? This is my main concern at the moment.

Thank you

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 8:58pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

My husband has been getting CBT, he's done the first 6 week course and now is on a more in-depth course. It's run via the NHS, not probation, but probation helped refer him and his probation officier and counsellor have also spoken. He's also working with an autism specialist within the probation service who is going to refer him for a formal autism diagnosis via his GP.

Different areas are probably going to have different resources available to them. His probation officier is probably the best person to talk to as they will know what his probation requirements are, for example, if he needs to do specific rehabilitation courses, community service hours etc and what there is in your area.

Posted Mon November 23, 2020 9:39pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

My husband has been told if charged that he's likely to get a suspended sentence. My fear is will the press get hold of it, will it end up in our local paper and will we have to move away?
it's you say it's all you can think about from when you wake up til u go to bed again..

theres days I can't face getting up because it's the same old thing.I wish I could go to sleep , wake up and it all be over..

I don't know what the future holds or if we even have a futre

i feel your pain I really do


Posted Wed November 25, 2020 10:19amReport post

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