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Bail length?

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Posted Wed November 25, 2020 9:29pm
Edited Thu December 10, 2020 8:20pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Do you mean how long do bail conditions last before possible review renewal or how long from realised on bail to charging?

My partner was on bail for 28 days and wasnt renewed. Took over two years from knock to the sentencing for making and distribution of all categories.

I believe the bail conditions can be extended, or placed in remand, if seen as a flight risk or risk to self and/or others.

Posted Wed November 25, 2020 9:41pmReport post


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Posted Thu November 26, 2020 11:21pm
Edited Thu December 10, 2020 8:20pmReport post


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Posted Fri November 27, 2020 7:15am
Edited Thu December 10, 2020 8:20pmReport post


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December 2019

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I believe contact centres do not take those under investigation but will once sentenced. Seems strange I know. My partner is in touch with a contact centre who say they willet him use their facility once agreed by family courts. But in his case he will need a supervisor from the centre. They can't allow unsupervised visitation ofc.

Posted Fri November 27, 2020 9:14amReport post


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Posted Fri November 27, 2020 7:44pm
Edited Thu December 10, 2020 8:21pmReport post


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Posted Sat November 28, 2020 8:51pm
Edited Thu December 10, 2020 8:21pmReport post


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November 2020

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Sorry to jump on another of your posts concerned but I'm also confused by bail!

He was released on bail initially until the 16th October. It was extended by the superintendent for the further 3 months and will end on 18th December. Conditions are no contact with children under 18 supervised or unsupervised initially it was just going to be no unsupervised but cps apparently pointed out it should be none at all as I'd been in the house asleep so technically was supervised. The police haven't downloaded his phones yet. In fact they hadn't been picked up last time I spoke to them still and they told me it's unlikely the court will extend bail as it's not his fault they haven't checked the phones. So what happens it's just dropped?

Also I suspect he is having contact, hes been going to a friends for tea ( who feels sorry for him because he thinks this is an accusation I've made that isn't true !!!) this friend has 4 children. I've just been told this by mutual friends though so can't evidence it. I also strongly suspect he is having contact with his neice. He was bailed to his mums house, sister and neice lived there and were told they had to stay elsewhere if he was bailed there but I know the neice has been at the house. Again can't prove this and worry the police will think it's just hearsay or me trying to make things worse for him.

Posted Tue December 1, 2020 9:42pmReport post


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November 2020

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What would we do without you and your straight advice? Thank you.. again!

Posted Tue December 1, 2020 10:21pmReport post


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November 2020

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Agreed SS agree to contact on their terms and how fast things progress as lee said, snails pace to full on ground to a halt in our case.

been waiting now nearly 3 weeks for SW to get moving on doing outstanding work with me so my husband can have contact at home or even return home..

she decided to go on annual leave on 17th November and despite several messages even though she's on leave, still no further forward and don't know when she's back..surely she must be back now ?
it's frustrating how much power they have and that things will get done when they say so..

my patience is wearing thin and my frustration is at an all time high..but I need to bite my lip( incredibly difficult) so that we have the best chance of him being to come home

hope you get somewhere soon


Posted Wed December 2, 2020 10:08amReport post


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November 2020

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So his bail terms have now been lifted apparently. How does that happen and does that signify the crime isn't serious?

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 10:50amReport post

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