Family and Friends Forum

Child in need plan

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Member since
October 2020

64 posts

My boys are on a child in need plan they can have supervise contact with there dad as long as I do it. I haven't told the boys what is going on as it will open to many questions I can't answer social services was ok with that but are now asking to see the boys every 2 weeks and it is hard to explain why someone keeps needing to see them. Is that right that they have to see the boys every 2 weeks? I thought as it was a cin and not a cpp they didn't need to see the child as much?! Any help would be great. We are also waiting for an assessment to see if we can have contact at home but I have to pass the assessment to protect assessment first

Posted Mon November 30, 2020 9:28pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Hi they are 12 and 6 but my 6 year old is autistic and dosnt speak to anyone apart from me or his class teacher that he has had since day 1.

Posted Tue December 1, 2020 8:26amReport post


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Thank you as a family we have been foster cares for 14 years but have decided it is time to call it a day. Due to lack of support for us in the job and the children we have had in place over the years. So we are very aware of how much they can drag there hells and how much they like to change there mind so much. I just find it so funny that we have to have an assessment to protect evening tho we have done them regularly with being foster cares are number 1 job as a carer is to protect. Yes I understand that my husband has done wrong but till the police are don't with there investigation my boys will always be supervise by me when there dad is around as that is now my main priority. But ss just don't get that and they don't seem to care that my youngest son is now very upset and distressed as his normal routine isn't the same he has been wetting the bed and not sleeping he is also struggling in his school work. But SS just say oh well.

Posted Tue December 1, 2020 9:30amReport post

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