Family and Friends Forum

I feel I’m living a lie.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed December 2, 2020 10:39amReport post

Thank you for reading this.

Its been just over a month since the knock. This week I went back to work luckily my work place have been so helpful and supportive. I’m lucky that we have this Coronavirus pandemic as a lot of people thought I’d been in isolation because of it I just tell them I was ill and needed a break. I can’t tell my closest friends what he’s being investigated for I just can’t say the words out loud to anyone.

People know something is wrong though and that my partner has moved out of the family home. Daily Someone asks me have u two split up? Are u getting back together? Do u think u will? I’m Asked by social services, the police, my family, friends and even work colleagues now. I really don’t know the answer to that not 100%.

I’m going about my day as I normally would being a mum and working but I feel like I’m living a lie and someone will find out the truth and I will be found out to be this fraud and my world will come crashing down around me.

Sorry I just needed to get these thoughts out there.

Thanks Rusty.

Edited Wed December 2, 2020 10:49am


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed December 2, 2020 1:44pmReport post

That's okay Rusty rant if you need to we are here.

I can relate, sometimes I too feel as if I'm living a lie... It's horrible... But what can we do other than keep on living...

Have you started speaking to a therapist about it at all?


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Wed December 2, 2020 2:28pmReport post

Hi rusty

I have felt like this for months by hiding away from friends and family due to the embarrassment of it all. Iv hid in a cocoon during lockdown. I haven't told a soul.

I started speaking to a Councillor weekly and having cbt and it's helping me beyond belief. My anxiety and worry about the media finding out, his name splashed everywhere has been too hard to comprehend at times, but iv been talking about this with my therapist, keeping a worry journel and deciding if I can do something about the worry or cant I and it seems to work. I have written a letter to my friends which when I am ready to I will read to them explaining why my behaviour may of seemed strange to them when all this came out.

None of this is our fault

We are warriors standing up everyday for our jobs kids responsibilities

We are victims in this crime we didn't ask for this

We will come through this stronger people

If anyone asks me questions about the relationship ending I just politely tell them I'd prefer not to talk about this if that's okay and people get the jist.

You talk when you ready but find yourself some impartial support. It really does help talking and not bottling this up. X