Family and Friends Forum

Help for Mother

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Concerned son

Member since
December 2020

1 post

My sister has recently told me that her stepfather my farther abused her as a child. She has began to tell family members including my mum, who has been married to my dad for 45 years. She has also reported it to the police. Nobody has confronted my dad yet as we feel it's the best job for the police as he will become abusive.

We are concerned for my mums safety after he has been questioned. She does not want to leave her house. What are her options?

all advise welcome

Posted Fri December 4, 2020 12:12pm
Edited Fri December 4, 2020 12:13pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

So sorry to read about what has happened.

Does your mum know? Does she accept it? She may be able to get help to leave if she needs to. You say your father will not take being confronted and may be abusive. Is his aggression something your mum has to deal with often? I am not judging, I am just thinking if there is possible domestic violence then police need to move quickly. Also do you have children? Be prepared for social services involvement if you do once your dad has been arrested.

I am sorry for your sister and your family. Sexual abuse, any abuse tears families apart. I hope you all get the support you need x

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 7:29amReport post


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

With regards to mum not wanting to leave, could she stay with you temporarily while he is arrested and after. You posted a few days ago so possible police have taken action already.

The decision your mum needs to make is if she wants to stay with him. There are definitely legal things she can do. My husband was bailed to be away from the home. I requested it when he was arrested. Your mum could do the same. Police said if he tried to enter the home he would be taken away and I was to call them immediately.

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 7:31amReport post

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