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Onto the next part ...

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Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Fri December 4, 2020 1:53pmReport post

My story so far... It was mid July this year when we got the knock. Usual story - group of police officers in normal clothes searched our home. They checked my devices (but didn’t take them) and took my partners devices. His were returned the following day apart from the laptop.

In September he was invited in to discuss the laptops findings. He had 1 cat B image and around 160 cat C. He only did one interview with them and the file was sent to the CPS.

The police officer on the case phoned him yesterday and said the CPS response is that they want to charge him. I THINK there’s a possession charge and a making charge? (Help me out but am I right thinking making means sharing?), the short version of his story is, when downloading legal porn from file sharing sites, he’s ended up with files in the past containing iioc (he didn’t know the images would be in the files and just deleted them - but the trouble with the file sharing sites is that the images upload at the same time as download - and I think that’s where the making comes in??)

I am heartbroken. I expected they’d want to see him in court, yet now it’s actually happened it feels like such a shock? I can’t sleep, I can’t stop crying, I’ve just started a new job but had to call in sick because I can’t concentrate on anything. I feel exactly like I did on the day of the knock, I feel like it’s happening all over again.

I’m worried about court and obviously dreading it. Firstly, can anyone advise me on what we should expect, I know C cat is less serious but we have 1 B too - and does the ‘making’ part mean a worse sentence that just possession?

I’m trying to be hopeful it won’t end in a custodial sentence - I’m so scared about the media though, we haven’t told anyone yet, but it seems like the media are more often at these cases than not - he’s got two grown up kids I’ve said we should tell them incase they were to see it in the media first - not to mention other family members/friends/work colleagues seeing too..can anyone advise what’s best or what they did? I just feel sick thinking about it

also- does anyone know, once this is all done with- obviously he will have a criminal record - would I too? Because I live with him? Basically I'm wondering how this would affect me going for jobs in the future that require dbs checks?

Any advice would be hugely appreciated no matter his small - I feel so lost at the moment :(

Edited Fri December 4, 2020 1:57pm


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Fri December 4, 2020 2:26pmReport post

Hi Sasha...

I very rarely comment anymore on this forum, however I read your post and wanted to reply...

The term making an image is when the user clicks on a link or an image on the screen. The user by doing this action enables the computer, laptop or mobile phone to save this file either on the hard drive, the cache area or in the random access memory areas. This is classed as making... ie another file of the image has been made...

Possession simply means that the image having been clicked as been viewed and SAVED. ie The user has gone further to actually save it for future access.

My partner too used a file sharing site and police recovered 5 deleted images/clips 2A, 2B and 1C. Moving images are judged more seriously. My partner was berated by the judge for deleting the images and told that he had deliberately tried to conceal evidence... So your damned either way...He was given a 12 month suspended sentence and 10 year SHPO plus registration.

CPS guidelines are quite clear... One class A image breaches the custody threshold as does class B. However numbers of images... genuine remorse and acknowledgement of guilt does help.

I hope I have helped... Best wishes to...


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Fri December 4, 2020 7:21pmReport post

To add what snow drop has said no you will not have a record for living with him. But I believe if you ever have an in depth background check they might flag it up (this is the top check and very rare).

I do wish there was more awareness that any iioc needs to be reported. But ofc there is taboo aspect coz the worry of being thought they wanted these files.


Member since
January 2020

34 posts

Posted Sun December 6, 2020 6:44amReport post

I just wanted to say I had the same reaction as you before the court case, let's warn everyone before it comes out in the media. We actually didn't tell anyone we felt didn't need to know. My sons case wasn't covered by the media in the end, and it was a contact offence which is more serve then your partners. And now, I am incredibly thankful we didn't tell everyone before. Tell people who you think should know regardless of the media covering it. This included a small handful of relatives and close friends for us who we wouldn't of been able to keep a lie from. When your on the other side of this, the least people to know the better.