Family and Friends Forum

How to deal with Christmas?

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Member since
January 2020

34 posts

Posted Sun December 6, 2020 6:35amReport post

How are you guys planning to deal with Christmas? I really don't know how I can face it. It feels totally overwhelming, I just want to skip it and go straight to January, and say goodbye to the most awful year.

My son is in prison serving his 2 year sentence, and I have lost 7 family members because of this, including grandchildren. I only have my daughters family left to celebrate with and it all feels incredibly lonely, and this time is just highlighting what family members I no longer have in my life. I'm sure we're all feeling like this this Christmas. Any advice or tips are most welcome? Xx


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Sun December 6, 2020 11:10amReport post

Hi devastated,

Yeah I think we’d all like to wave a magic wand and bypass to January or even better start this year afresh no COVID and maybe my partner wouldn’t have done what he did if onlys eh! I think my partner and your sons cases were very similar and they both got same sentences :-(

I sympathise with you on the loneliness thing I’ve only really got my mum n dad who are in their 70s I've no children or siblings so it’ll be just us at Christmas. I know people have made their mind up about my partner so I feel I can't really talk to people, people on here are probably only ones who understand how you feel. I’m currently planning to spend Christmas Eve with a couple of close friends but I know memories of Christmas’s past will be popping up and making it a sad time. I can’t imagine what it’s like not being able to see your grandchildren. I think the only thing you can do is enjoy it as best you can with your daughters (have they any children?) me with my parents, try and make new memories if we can, then who knows about the future.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Thu December 17, 2020 11:18amReport post

So I've cancelled all family relatives and seeing them for Christmas... I'm not living at home at the moment but I've said I would spend Christmas at home with just my husband and my dog.

I've no idea what to expect and I'm in an angry stage ATM so I don't know what will happen.

I think for Christmas... The best thing for us all is to not think about it and let the day come, happen and just go ... No expectations. It's horrible Devestated that you have lost family members... But you have to pull focus on the ones you have left. Maybe in time those lost ones will come back but who knows...

Flossy, since you're on your own (without much family apart from your parents) you could always try volunteering ? Maybe at a homeless shelter ... Might make you feel a little better ?