Family and Friends Forum

Probation and Sex Offenders Registar

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Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Mon December 7, 2020 5:48pmReport post


My husband had his first court hearing today where he has pleaded guilty to possession of 15 cat C images and 1 extreme pornograpy video. The court have asked for a probation report and because of COVID it may take a couple of weeks.

As he has pleaded guilty they have asked him to registar at the police station for the sex offenders registar within 3 days. Can anyone tell me what this means to us. Will social services now become more involved (his bail conditions havent changed and is currently allowed supervised access to our daughter and has to live else where)? Will police turn up and check unannounced at my house or his bail address? Will there be any restrictions with regard to day to day life with the registar?

ANy help appreciated.



Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 1:27pmReport post

Sorry that you find yourself in this situation. This is what happened when my partner has to register and we were not living at the same address at the time (it's complicated).

Within a couple of days of him registering he was assigned a manager within the local police team and received a visit from them. During that visit he was asked about family, any children in the family etc.

Off the back of that meeting, I received an unannounced visit from the police team. They wanted to understand what I knew of the offence etc.

When my partner moved back here, his new manager was concerned about my sisters children, and wanted to ensure that my sister had been informed. At that time I hadn't told her but also they don't visit and my partner had seen them about 4 times in 8 years. There was talk of sending social services to talk to my sister, but between us we agreed that my partner would be kept apart from my sisters children, and so I don't think SS were ever contacted. She's never mentioned it.

Based on my experience, be prepared for an unannounced visit from the police. At least then if it happens it won't take you by surprise, I was caught totally off guard.

He will get unannounced visits from the police, how frequently will depend on how high a risk they consider he is. Though he may find visits frequent to start with while they get to know him. This can be a good thing as it'll give him a chance to ask any questions he might have.

Some people have mentioned that SS will re-open cases / reassess post conviction. Now that he's on the register, all the departments (police, SS etc) work together more closely and share information.

My advice would be for him to ensure exactly what the registration requires him to do, and to be clear on any SHPO conditions that are imposed, probably won't happen until sentencing. The police should go over this when they visit him and also give him a contact number, if in doubt ask.

Unlock also has a lot of information about the register, what it means. They also have a forum and a helpline.

Hope that helps


Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 2:13pmReport post

Thank you so much for your replies, they really help understand.

Do you know if that first visit is a appointment as he only sleeps at the bail address and as it's 70 miles away from work is only there late at night after coming to see us.

If they just turn up and he is not there will they leave a card for him to contact them. He will explain all of this when he registers tomorrow but just worried as it's his mums address and them Turning up without him being there will not be nice for her.

thanks again

Edited Tue December 8, 2020 2:16pm


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 3:25pmReport post

I doubt they will leave a card. I know my partner missed them one time because he had a probation appointment at that time! He only knew because they came back later that day and he was in.

They don't expect you to sit at home waiting for them to turn up. I'm sure if they can't get hold of him after a few tries they will try and make contact some other way. It is probably best though that he warns anyone else living at that address that they may visit. They are plain clothed and unmarked cars so neighbours etc won't know it's the police.