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Court information and some help please

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Member since
July 2020

211 posts

I left my ex a month ago. He is up in court after Christmas. I am no longer in contact with him but I would like to know what day he is in court and what his punishment will be.

MY questions are:

Is there a Web page anyone can tell me i can look at to see what day he is up in court?

Iv been on courtpages however its not always updated and when it is it just gives a name and the court room they are attending. Not much else is available to see.

Or is there any other way I can find this info out???

Are people attending court at the moment due to the current pandemic? I don't think I'm strong enough to go but I would like to consider it to hear for myself what's happens to him.

Will the plea hearing me just him there or do they have a public gallery?

Last question to anyone who has been through court already. If your partners case was reported by the newspaper, was it published say online or printed on the day of the court plea or judgement day or days after?

Just trying to get my head together for if and when this comes out. Thank you for reading x

Posted Mon December 7, 2020 10:45pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

I'm not too sure how to find the dates for court hearings. Sounds like you have the method and that the full details are not published and not sure how they are disclosed to the public.

But I can say I think the gallery is open but plea hearings are typically at magistrates and pretty quick so not many bother turning up. It is to confirm the name and list the charges and then the person charged states if they are guilty or not. Then it is passed to crown court which is where the sentencing is passed. Crown court normally follows a month later (tho not sure with the covid time scales).

If pleading not guilty a jury will need to be arranged. My partner wasn't not reported in the media and he had all categories (making and distribution).

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 1:11pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Thank you majestic

I doubt I'll find out in time to even go to it. I'll just have to sit tight and see what happens really.

Hope your doing the best you can in your situation x

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 3:09pmReport post


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July 2020

211 posts

To be honest Lee I'd be uncomfortable asking them because when they knocked at the house they made it more traumatising than it had to be looking back. They literally came in an destroyed my life then left me in a mess. I don't think I could speak to him again.

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 10:08pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi Yazz.
Im in Scotland so it may be different down south.

Here, you can go onto both court rolls and see who is appearing in court that day. It's called the court rolls and then your area. You type it in the internet and the site comes up. You have to scroll through all the names for each day but it does list every person appearing in court that day. It even lists the name of the person if they are appearing in private. You could try this and see x

Posted Tue December 8, 2020 11:06pmReport post


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July 2019

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It may vary, but in my partners case they listed the cases just the day before on the web. Just the name and time and no other details. It was only at sentencing that anything substantive was read out, and there was no new information and worringly from a justice point of view little context. The inconsistencies in the prosecutions papers were never mentioned. If he pleads not guilty there will be a trial and perhaps there may be more details then. I read all the court documents before the court date, and it was only parts of them that were read out. From my experience I would take everything you hear with a big pinch of salt. If my partners case is anyway normal, then we have a serious issue with our criiminal justice system.

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 7:16amReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Thank you nicenanna and zack.

Iv been on the court rolls and I see whos in court that day. It just doesn't give me a lot of time to prepare if I was to go. I think really I should just ride it out and hope it's a quiet in and out affair.

It's something I have lived with all this time and living in fear of the publication coming out is soul destroying. Something really needs to be done to highlight the effects of living with this fear and the effects on our mental health's. Iv been anxious like all of you for months. This really needs coverage because I don't think half of the men and women watching porn see the other side to this and the dangers of what can come.

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 12:58pmReport post


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April 2020

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Sorry to jump on but in Scotland is sentencing always at a crown court?

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 12:41amReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi Christine

There is no crown court in Scotland. Just sheriff and Hugh court. My sons offence was communication and not images. His case was heard in the local sheriff court, sheriff courts can only hand out sentences up to five years. It's usually the more serious offences that go through the high court. I am also in Scotland x

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 9:46am
Edited by moderator Tue December 29, 2020 4:31pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Thank you! So he will probably be sentenced in our towns court?

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 4:53pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi Christine

yes I think he will be sentenced in his local court. It usually only goes to the high court for a contact offence or thousands and thousands of images. Hardly any images offences go to the high court in Scotland because the punishment does not usually warrant over five years in prison . Hope this helps x

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 6:12pmReport post


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June 2019

236 posts

I received a call and my daughter a letter from the witness support unit. She told me that my husband had been for his plea hearing and pleaded guilty, all of which I knew because I was there. But what I am saying is you maybe informed of outcome anyway.

Posted Sun January 10, 2021 6:13pmReport post


Member since
January 2021

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Hi Yazznan, I'm also incredibly worried about the case getting into the press. My husband was only arrested a few days ago, realised on bail but all I can think about is the devastation to my family if it gets in the press. He's full of remorse and very very upset. He's pleading guilty and is taking steps now, agreeing to counselling for his porn addiction ( he's looked at porn and child porn and kept photos, he's not shared them, chatted to anyone, gone on any forums nothing, just himself looking at darker stuff). How did you cope? I think with us even if he went to prison that wouldn't be as bad as if it got in the press about him

Posted Sun January 10, 2021 8:16pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Hi Louise

Thank you for your message. The knock came in June 2020. Iv had just over 6 months on this horrible ride. I got myself into such a state I had 2 accidents where I really hurt myself. I was unable to concentrate on the simplistic of things. The main thing being the press and the shame of all this coming out.

Now to break this all down. At first my partner protested his innocence gave me a very believable story and on good merit of him being a good Partner I done my best at first to give him the benefit of the doubt. I asked him to answer my questions which he wouldn't. He would get angry and manipulate me into making me feel bad for asking questions about this hell we were now in. Somethings were not stacking up and I requested a Claires law disclosure. I found out what I needed to with the help from the police and I left immediately.

Now during the above last paragraph that was when I had my 2 accidents. I told my gp and was referred for councilling. This and cbt therapy has been a godsend. Its helped me to gain control on my thoughts. Worrying will not change the outcome here. Easier said than done I know! . It might go in the paper it might not. It's a lottery if it does or doesnt.

I remind myself daily this is not my fault. I'm just unfortunately caught up in this. Iv prepared myself for the worse if it does make the papers in the way of iv wrote a letter which I will read to friends when I feel able. It might not come out in the paper, were in a pandemic and they are limiting reporters in court so let's hope that's the case as it's happening shortly. Plus there's that many cases on this crime I can't think they would have the means to publish them all.

From where I was 6 months ago, I think aswell leaving has helped, I nowhere near feel as bad as I did. My anxiety levels have dropped significantly. This is due to meditation, writing my thoughts down in a worry journel and speaking to my lovely Councillor weekly.

It really is a horrendous worry, but it's not ours to carry. I'm not sure if your staying with your hb/partner but my best advice to you is seek out some support, someone impartial you can talk to and take each day as it comes.

Some worries we can fix ie forgetting to pay the water bill, looking for a new job. But worrying if this may happen with the newspapers is unfortunately out of all our hands. We have to put that to one side and try and make the most of the day that we are in and cross that bridge god forbid we come to it.

Sending love and strength and message me anytime yazz x

Posted Tue January 12, 2021 9:17pmReport post


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Hi Yazz, sorry just seen your reply, crikey you've really been through the mill haven't you. At the moment it's been about 4 weeks since the knock here. Me and husband have done a lot of talking, lots of tears and an incredible amount of worry and anxiety from me. He is so so remorseful, a broken man and very very upset and so sorry that it has happened. He's told me everything and will plead guilty, he's downloaded iioc, told me he's had an addiction to porn and it's took him down a very dark path, I knew nothing. Until this we were a normal happy family with our kids, daughter 18 and son nearly 16. I'm doing my first counselling session today and my husband is doing his first counselling assesment today. He wants to do everything to help himself. I'm 100% in support of him but my god this limbo is horrible, the ss rang me on the day of the knock and that's it! They said they'd be round in a week to do an assessment but I've heard nothing. I know 100% he hasn't touched my kids, it's not about that but from reading on here I know how I need to be with the ss ( ridiculous in my mind but that's the way eh!). In a way id actually like him to go to the police right now and tell them he wants to plead guilty. The solicitor told him to say no comment to everything at the first interview. I just feel I need it over with now. All I see is how it takes so so long and the hidious experience everyone seems to have with ss makes me think this bit is worse than the actual punishment he will get!

Posted Wed January 27, 2021 11:35am
Edited Wed January 27, 2021 11:56amReport post

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