Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Police at house 19th dec.. son arrested.. addicted to alcohol..cocaine plus porn.. we knew only about the alcohol.. 12xA. 6xb.9xc. Plus x amount of other images.. dont know what that means.. bail sheet says he MADE X ABC images.. talking to the barrister tday my son actually MADE no images..he simply clikd on the pictures.. but because he clicked its seen in law as made them.... well weve got less than a week till hes in the crown court.. ..he has been trying so hard to address his addictions.. AA CAA NAA PAA... .. .we are heatsore worrying about my son. Hes not streetwise at all... .. everyones i read is like months and months..this is weeks ..weve had no time to process this nightmare.. barrister says he can be looking at 12 months in prison.. he has to decide if he wants to go with the So. Or the other inmates.. how can anyone decide that??.. what a total mess..

Posted Fri January 11, 2019 5:36pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:44pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Wow! that is quick.

Personally, I would imagine a SO wing to be the best place for him, if he is with the general inmates he will be more open to assault etc as obviously this type of offence isn't great. He sounds like he is making efforts to be rehabilitated which is a good thing. Sending you love and strength x

Posted Fri January 11, 2019 6:08pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Thanks klk... at my wits end to be honest.. but its not about me .. im more intersested in protecting my lad... hes never ran with the gangs.. is not all... dont think hes ever had a fight in his life .. xx

Posted Fri January 11, 2019 9:26pmReport post


Member since
November 2018

24 posts

My husband went into the vulnerable persons wing and I would definitely recommend it. Before my husband went to prison, the prison he ended up at had a riot in the mains wings and the first thing they tried to do when they got hold of the keys was to get into the vp wing to kill them. So imagine what would happen to a sex offender in s mains wing and they found out what they had done. The prison officers told my husband that they hated working in the mains wings as they were frightening places and it's so calm and relaxed with very little trouble in the vp wing.

Posted Fri January 11, 2019 10:52pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Hi, you need to be involved in any pre sentence report that will be done by probation. I’m not legally trained and don’t know any details but I would hope there would be an approach where the judge could see your son is better off being at home and the public better protected where he could be supported by you to go through any courses he can access in the community. I assume he’ll be living with you?

If your son does get a custodial sentence make sure the judge, the custody people in the court and the prison each get a copy of a letter politely written by you highlighting the specific risks you think he will face in custody. They each have a duty of care to your son, especially those who have responsibility for his welfare like the prison.

I’m sorry the your sons Barrister feels he may go to prison, I hope he doesn’t. He’s getting his punishment elsewhere and locking these people up doesn’t help in the long term.

Posted Sat January 12, 2019 8:38amReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

He is currently bailed to another address as i have an under 5.. barrister says if he gets community service he may be allowed home after risk assesments..but id have to take steps like have no internet..well thats not the end of the world.. .. barrister says its 40/60.. prison or community..but to prepare for the worse.. x

Posted Sat January 12, 2019 10:31amReport post

Quick exit