Family and Friends Forum

Adjourned due to COVID?

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Member since
December 2020

1 post

I'm in Scotland and my ex husband is due to have a preliminary hearing at the high court next week. He only very recently got a solicitor and is saying his case is being adjourned due to COVID and not because of not having a solicitor sooner. The solicitor is just about to obtain the evidence against him.

He has been living in England with his parents for over a year since this all started as he is not allowed to have contact with my daughter.

Does anyone know if hearings are being adjourned still because it is too far for him to travel because of Covid or is it more likely for the reasons I a thinking?

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 1:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

18 posts


I dont post very often as I often just like to put this huge mess behind me but I come on alot to see how everyone else is getting on but I dont think there's many Scottish people on here going by what I've read over the last 2 years so thought I'd comment.

Its likely that the case was adjourned. It happened in my ex's case albeit it wasn't high court, it was sheriff court. His was adjourned for a different reason and jt was just something out with anyones control and the court only decided that week that they were doing so. It was adjourned for 2 months. Things do seem to move quicker here although I'm not sure how true that js anymore with covid.

I'm now 2 years post knock, 1 year post sentencing. Cant quite believe how quickly the time has gone in.

Posted Tue December 15, 2020 8:59pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


im also in Scotland. My sons case has been dealt with long ago but I know there is a backlog in the courts read other day that unless they do weekend court it will take about five years for the courts to catch up, especially the high court. I've heard of cases here being pushed back because of the virus so it's not a surprise your exes has been put back. It's annoying but out of everyone's control x

Posted Tue December 15, 2020 10:13pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

18 posts

Hi nicenana,

I'm also scotland. How are you finding things now that time has past? Have you had many issues post sentencing? Although my ex was sentenced a year ago, he was given a custodial sentence which has just made it seem like this nightmare is neverending. Scotland also seems to be harsher for sentences than England from reading on here as we don't have suspended sentences in Scotland. His conviction was for iioc, all categories and about 50 images.

Posted Wed December 16, 2020 5:23pm
Edited Wed December 16, 2020 5:24pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi Kate

My son was sent to prison for communication with a fourteen to fifteen year old. He had images but only of her which she willingly sent without him asking for them.

we never had any backlash where we lived when our son was charged. That may be because we moved an hour up the road three weeks after he was charged. Seven months later he was convivpcted and sent to prison . It went in the paper with his picture as well but we have had no backlash in our new area. I have no idea if people know about it here or not. If they do, the have not said anything to us.
I agree, the longer it goes on the more never ending it seems. That said, I can't lose hope that this will end one day. I have to have hope because it's my son and not my partner or husband. Were it my husband or partner I would have choices. Time to think about whether I wanted to stay in there.action ship or not. You don't have that choice when it's your son because most parents cannot just forget they have a child. I hope that makes sense and does not sound judgmental toward anyone who stays or goes. It does not make the pain any less or the agon any less whether it's your Partner, husband,son etc who has committed the crime.

I agree, sentences in Scotland appears harsher but it takes a lot less time to be convicted than in England. The government are looking at bigger sentences and putting an end to sex offenders or dangerous criminals automatically getting released half way through their sentence but god knows if that will go ahead or not. I can't see it as the prisons are bursting at the seams already.

irs a real shame that we are no longer allowed to post our mumsnet names on here anymore. Some of us were connecting on mumsnet under the same names we have here or some were different names. It was really good because people could get support by private messages on mumsnet from women that are going through the same as them x

Posted Wed December 16, 2020 7:27pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

18 posts

I'm sorry to hear about your son, you sound like you're coping really well with it now however and life is moving on for you now you've moved.

Is your son out of prison now? I wonder how life will be for them once they are released although it will be great just not to worry about them not knowing how they are at times im there. We aren't together anymore but we're on good terms and speak a couple of times a week on the phone. I didnt realise they were thinking of doing that regarding not releasing certain prisoners half way.

My ex won't be living with us when he is released but will see our child on a supervised basis, agreed with social work. I seem to have been quite lucky reading some posts regarding their involvement as they were involved two years ago at the beginning, I had a multi agency meeting but I was deemed as protective from then on and didn't require to go on any plan. My child was only a matter of weeks old at the time so it was challenging but I barely heard from social work from then onwards, it would sometimes go months before they checked up on us and then they closed our case. I wasn't asked to do any work either to prove how protective I was. I kept being told by my health visitor that I wasnt a priority to social work which was a blessing when I look back but angered me at the time that the case remained open but with no contact from them.

I didnt move house and it was in our local paper with picture too. Our address was reported as thats where he was staying when he was arrested. Thankfully we didn't have anything happen either and alot of family and friends have been extremely supportive, including some neighbours too. I should probably count myself lucky in that respect aswell however I would still like to move one day for a fresh start with my child.

I joined mumsnet a couple of years ago when I first joined this site and messaged a couple of women at the very start although I'm not too sure if I would remember my login for it. Ill try tomorrow and it maybe people who are still on here today. I think I found it too difficult to discuss it then but now I find it really helpful to speak to people about it.

Posted Wed December 16, 2020 10:04pm
Edited Wed December 16, 2020 10:06pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Hi I am in Scotland... my ex's case has been put back till match probably longer due to covid that will be a year and a half since the knock don't know if this is helpful

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 12:39amReport post


Member since
December 2020

7 posts


my son is still under investigation the police haven't checked his phone yet, he left my house on 4th December with a tent he has been moving about, he has retuned today 27th January he came to my house I told him he couldn't come in and don't want him coming to my house, I now feel how I felt the day he got arrested my stomach is in knots it's so hard

Posted Thu January 28, 2021 12:15amReport post


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

We don't get suspended sentences in Scotland??

Posted Wed February 10, 2021 1:37amReport post

Quick exit