Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 2:26pmReport post

My son has been sentenced to 30 months for grooming, even though we had pfysologists reports and dr letter and a probation report and enough charcter referencec, none of this was taken in to account,he was having counselling for his depression before thay took him away and now is getting no help at all.we are thinking of appealling does anyone know if this is worth it. MY dil has also moved away and taken my grandson, i am tottaly hearboken and heading for a breakdown, cant stop crying.


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 5:11pmReport post

Hi fatso

sorry to hear your situation. Your sons and My partners cases sound similar he was sentenced this year for talking online to a police decoy and agreeing to meet he was sentenced to just under 2 years in prison and 2 on license. I'm not sure how appealing a sentence works, it will probably cost extra in legal fees and also if the judge doesn't agree on a lesser sentence I think you have to start the sentence again or in some cases you might get extra time added onto it. I suppose its if you think the judge on the day had been unfair, did your solicitor give you a exstimate of what they thought a likely sentence would be? My partners sentence was practically exact to what the duty solicitor said it would be. But me or his family were never advised to give character references or anything all she seemed bothered about who was paying the bill. I'm sorry your sons wife has gone off with your grandchild everybody reacts differently to these nightmare situations. Have you phoned the helpline they might be able to advise you better on appealing and maybe how to cope with the situation, or your doctor.


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 9:05pmReport post

I am absolutly hearbroken,are you standing by your partner, my son will spend 15months inside. really worried about his futyre. as he is hoping she will come back.


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 10:10pmReport post

I honestly don't know, I still talk to him I don't think he's an evil person I think he had issues one being alcohol. Sometimes it's like old times when we talk then I remember what's he's done, and I think can I/ we ever get over this. Ive told him I don't ever wanna feel like I did when it first happened again, you know the arrest, then the court and sentence then the worst bit for me people finding out from the local press. And there's the trust thing would I ever trust him again.
your sons partner will probably be feeling all these mixed emotions, and feel broken like the rest of us, I think times a healer and it does get slightly easier as time goes on. Hopefully she will let you and your son carry on seeing your grandchild obvs you've done nothing wrong so I don't see why she should punish you. But I've not got children so I probably can't comment on what I'd do if I had.
Id definitely ring the helpline if you already haven't they will be able to advise you on things.


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 3:10amReport post

We appealed my partners sentence. It was reduced to 6 months, initially well over double that. You have to have grounds to appeal, and you are supposed to do it soon after sentencing, I think within a month. Talk to his solictor initially to see if they think you have grounds. My partners appeal didn't cost us anything, it wasn't dependent on means. But a solcitor is likely to only help if they believe there is a good chance of success. It will depend on factors such as if the sentence is outside of the recommended range, and if it was, what the judge said to justify it. If they didn't apply a reduction for an early guilty plea etc. It all depends on what the law says, and if the judge applied it correctly. Judges do have a lot of scope in sentencing.

There is a difference between appealing a sentence and appealing a verdict. If you're appealing the verdict it's almost impossible if he pleaded guilty, only a possibility if he plead not guilty, and again had strong grounds to do so. For this you will likely need a different solicitor, as his original solicitor isn't going to point out how his defence was not up to standard. But it would depend on why you were appealing. Only a solictor can advise. Good luck


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 11:26amReport post


Can i ask on what grounds you appealed. He was advised to plead gulity by his solictor which he did.