Family and Friends Forum

Lily Jane

Member since
June 2020

5 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 7:44amReport post

We had the knock back in May, I decided to stand by my husband of 30 years. What a roller coaster. I ended up going sick from work as I couldnt concentrate and cried alot.

In september we had a call from the police saying all charges dropped as there was no evidence. That was it ...what has this all been for? I'm still not back at work and now on medication for depression and anxiety. I question myself everyday and think I should be picking myself up and moving on, we've been given an enviable second chance, it's been 7 months but it all still feels like yesterday.

Everyone else seems to be moving forward, my husband has got a new job, still having counselling and appears to be coping really well, my 2 grown up children are planning christmas and holidays and settling back down to life, then there is me, being pressured by my boss to get back to work, not wanting to leave my house because it's my safe place, pretending when everyone is around that I'm coping well and then falling apart when I'm alone. Will my turning point ever come?


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 12:54pmReport post

Has your partner admitted to offending? I can understand there will be concern if that is the case. Have you ring the phone line for Lucy faithful? They might be able to provide advice and assurance there is help available for you. Perhaps the inform course will help you and be around others in a similar situation.

Also maybe seek help from the GP. It is hard to make the step to get out there again but with support getting back to some normality will help with wellbeing. Big hugs