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How to you manage your stress

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Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 3:34pmReport post

I am really struggling and the approach of Christmas seems to be making everything worst. My son tried to take his own life a couple of years ago on Christmas Day night and the year before I had been really unwell in hospital. My son is 19 and for those who don't know was abused from the age of 8 then started looking at images. I just feel very unwell with stress. My husband has started having panic attacks which he has never had before and I feel physically unwell.

how do you manage your stress? I haven't told anyone and I have no family so can't have a cuppa and a chat with anyone so does anyone have any ideas how we can get through the run up to Christmas and Christmas itself.


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Thu December 10, 2020 5:48pmReport post

Hi Rebecca

I'm so sorry to hear how much you are struggling and what you have gone through. I self referred myself online for a councilling service through the NHS. I have telephone councilling once a week and cbt to manage stress anxiety it's really helping talking to someone out of the situation. I haven't confided in one person other than this councilor and she has been a godsend. I didn't wait long really I'd say 2 or 3 weeks and I count myself very lucky in these times. I also try and take things day by day. I don't plan too far ahead as it is overwhelming. Christmas day is just a day. Sending love x

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Fri December 11, 2020 2:28pmReport post

Thanks Yazz. I did self refer but they wanted me to ring Cruse (bereavement helpline) as I have had a lot of loss is the last few years. Then they closed my case. I can't face ringing back going through the whole 'story' of the last few years again. I am on the waiting list for another therapy team but the waiting list is a year so Just wondered if anyone had any self care ideas and ways that have worked to manage stress themselves as a year is a long time to wait.


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Fri December 11, 2020 5:56pmReport post

I understand explaining it over and over is reliving it. I get where your coming from.

In relation to self care I try and do one move thing for myself per day. Could be wash and blow my hair, paint nails, eat a nice cake watch reality TV.

Iv started keeping a worry diary as suggested by my therapist. I keep a piece of paper in my pocket and when a worry appears in my mind I write it down. I allow myself an allocated slot of time to worry for no longer than say 30 mins. My time slot is 530pm haha. I write the word practical and hypothetical down and determine if the worry fits into which catagory.

If it's practical I look at what I can do about or of there is a solution. That is taking a practical approach. Something can be done about it.

If it's my mind playing tricks on me and it hasn't happened yet and it's just me worrying what if this happens etc I remind myself that this hasn't happened I am catastrophising and reassure myself that if anything happens I will deal with it if and when.this is hypothisosing worry. After I have used my 30 mins slot ( set a timer and sit in a place you don't normally sit ie a spare room. The floor on a cushion. I give myself a task, it could be follow a recipe watch TV and I have to really get involved with that task and enjoy it.

Iv been using this technique for about a fortnight now and it really is helping managing my stress and anxiety. It takes your mind off stuff, I'm not saying it completely goes but you feel like you've got a bit of control back x x