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Ending things help

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Member since
April 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 9:50pmReport post

Ok so me and my ex have been trying to work through things but I don't think it's possible... we've lives apart for over a year and he's been staying over recently and everything he does is irritating me and I don't think I love him anymore... sometimes I can't stand to look at him. I feel like I need to end things but last time I did this his whole family turned their back on me even after saying they'd be at my side no matter what I chose. This life is just too hard I can't go to do the food shop with him as I'm embarrassed and don't want to be seen with him I can't walk the dog with him in our town. I really need help how do I end things as easy as possible (he has a tendency to act like a child and sulk when things don't go his way)


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 9:53pmReport post

I want a normal life not having to watch my bsck constantly. I want children. I want to be able to walk my dog with my partner. It's just too much but I guess a part of me is scared to be alone


Member since
July 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 9:59pmReport post

Hi Christine

Iv followed your story for a while and it seems like staying together is no longer an option for you. I was dreading the conversation ending things as my ex used manipulation ie iv got nothing to live for without you so I stayed longer than I should or wanted but a blazing row helped me to end it.

I again like you didn't feel comfortable with him no longer ie holding my hand, touching me, and the closer to the court case I felt like everyone was staring even though no one knows.

It's been 5 weeks since I ended things and I can honestly say I feel the best iv felt in ages. Even friends have commented that I look like iv got my sparkle back. I am free of his burden which isn't mine or ours to carry. Iv had his moods to contend with, the worry and anxst and my life stopped. I was a shell of my former self. I don't want kids with a man who lies, who runs away from problems, who is deceitful and manipulative, who becomes aggressive and emotionallu abusive. Staying with him was harder than letting him go. I honestly haven't looked back. Blocked his number the lot. Clean break.lifes for living love. Be happy xxx


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 10:02pmReport post

I'm scared it'll cause a huge upset like before with loosing his family etc. I'm scared no one will want me


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 10:11pmReport post

It makes me so sad we've came to this. We were so so happy I still find it hard to believe he's done it after a year. I'm just so sad


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April 2020

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Posted Mon December 14, 2020 10:11pmReport post

And feel like I'll never be able to trust anyone again


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 8:04amReport post

Please help


Member since
July 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 8:10amReport post

Not everything you loose in life is a loss.

You are so young you will come through this much stronger than you will ever imagine. I have. I feel the same, disappointment, shame, sad, I miss his family too but at the same time I don't miss the grief he put us in.

You have to weigh up are you happy at the min, is this what you want in your life? Or do you maybe just maybe want the chance to heal for a while and who knows what's round the corner, you could meet someone next year who like you wants kids and that could happen!!!

Don't feel this is all life has to offer you.there is more to come! You just have to be open to it xxx


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue December 15, 2020 9:01amReport post

Hi Christine

I have been in a relationship where I was unhappy (he wasn't an offender). I didn't really see it at the time but he was emotionally manipulatative and put me down alot. Made me feel I would not find anyone else and that I couldn't be by myself.

Once I broke away I could reflect on the key issues we faced and even tho I was single I was learning to be happy with myself.

Your mental well-being is key. I can't remember how far into this journey you are but it can take years from knock to sentencing. And once sentenced (if it gets that far) the police will be involved and you will have a lack of privacy (police can see the messages I send to my partner). The fact you are uncomfortable around your partner in public must be horrible and playing on your mind. You need help to manage the strain, especially if you decide to stay.

It is daunting to take the leap to break up but no one is worth staying with if being with them makes you miserable.

Trust is built over time. These types of offences are relatively rare really against the whole population. I believe there is always someone out there for people. By staying with your partner you are not giving yourself tthe chance to find someone who builds you up and supports you and can trust.

However if you do stay you have the power to set this relationship straight. He did wrong and should work hard to form a relationship where you both can be happy. It is about compromise and communication.

Big hugs


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 9:43amReport post

Thank you. We're a year and 2 months in still no sentencing they've said it could be March


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 10:17amReport post

We've just had a row and he was throwing things. I told him I don't want to see him ever again I don't know how to feel. This means I've lost his family too


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April 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 12:49pmReport post

He has now blocked my number


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October 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 7:06pmReport post

Heya Christine123..

Most people need to reach bottom to change and some just don't.

I left the house around a week ago and my husband has basically fallen to peices. Funnily enough it wasn't the charge that's changed his resolve. I did see a little change but we were together for the past two months since and the arguments piled up to the point where I was miserable. There were more horrible than happy moments. It was a sense of people and time to think about all the things he's done to hurt me and himself that has made his resolve change. The charge hasn't been the only thing and I bet you that your partners charge was the only thing either, just from what I gather on the type of person he is (from what you've said on your posts).

I feel the same as you sometimes... I honestly feel very annoyed, very hurt, very conflicted, irritated by the situation and by him. As I have read you are too.

This is because there's no closure and he hasn't changed or offered change to you Christine, he staying the same person but now he's a person with a potential impressing conviction on his record.

A few weeks ago my husband said he wanted to know now whether I was staying or going, he wanted things on his terms. A few days ago, when he was alone, he said he would wait no matter how long it took.

He doesn't know but I have to go back Sunday. I don't wanna pressure my dad anymore because of his fairly newish relationship of just over a year with his girlfriend who will be coming over for Christmas Friday for two weeks. I give them space on the weekends too.

I'm not saying to you you should stay or go, or even that it's easy but unless your firm in your resolve things will always stay the same for you and him.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue December 15, 2020 7:52pmReport post

I feel like the majority of people are saying to leave. It's very difficult he is away to his parents tonight we met up earlier but nothing much was said. Sitting here alone I miss him a lot and think that things could get better but then deep down I don't know if there's any future possible it's so so difficult I feel in such a limbo


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August 2019

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Posted Wed December 16, 2020 12:04pmReport post

Any decision to stay or leave is hard, you'll never know for sure whether you are making the right decision and you are bound to have doubts.

if you really want to stay together then consider relationship counselling. You may want to consider using StopCo as they have experience in this area as well as relationship counselling.

Imagine if, instead of yourself in this situation, it was your best friend, what would you stay to them?


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Thu December 17, 2020 9:50pmReport post

My brother has now decided that if I support my ex he wants nothing to do with me and says I'm disgusting for even being friends with him why is this so hard


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu December 17, 2020 10:20pmReport post

Sorry to hear that Christine. But I learned something recently that's helping me process things... Don't worry about the things you cannot control. If he doesn't want to have anything to do with you to that's his decision... You cannot control that. Of course it's going to hurt but in time it'll fade.


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April 2020

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Posted Fri December 18, 2020 2:44pmReport post

He never bothers with me anyway


Member since
March 2020

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Posted Sun December 20, 2020 12:56pmReport post

You need a break sweetie, go away for a few days, away from every thing. Xxhigs