Family and Friends Forum

Documentary: Porn on the Brain

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Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon December 14, 2020 11:39pmReport post

I'm currently watching Together TV, on channel 87, showing an absolutely brilliant in depth journaistic investigation into the explosion of internet porn being viewed by UK children.

Its quite horrifying the amount being viewed

On one of the clips the investigator visits a high school and interviews 13 and 14 year old girls and boys. There openness to what they are seeing was shocking.

They discussed viewing beastiality as if it was normal behaviour...

A must watch...


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue December 15, 2020 9:14amReport post

I remember in my early years at secondary school (so early 2000's) there was 'hype' about a video involving animals and then there are some notorious videos that were kinda like a pop culture thing (I won't spell it out but it involved a cup...). I was never interested/curious. I knew sex with animals was ofc illegal but it was never really explained on the law on viewing, possessing and sharing such content.

My first experience with porn I was 18 but my bf at the time pinned me to the sofa and forced me to watch...I dread to think how other girls younger than I was was first exposed. In the school playground kids would trick you into watching things on their phone screens. I managed to avoid this thankfully.

Sex education is very important and I feel there needs to be more on porn but also the sharing of prohibited images and footage and teach kids to not send their own of themselves.