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New to situation and have questions

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Member since
December 2020

1 post

Hello, someone I know has just been arrested for possession. I’m hoping for some advice from people who have been in this for the long haul and may be more savvy. I have tried to google for answers but don’t get very much back.

If the police say what year this took place, is it likely that that is the only one? If there was more wouldn't they say all of the years it took place?

Is it possible for someone to be arrested due to possessing images of their own child which to an outsider may appear ‘indecent’ due to nudity, but intentions are innocent? Just wondering as parents may take photos of their own child and send them to their partner/family via messaging apps, and this could be ‘flagged up’?

Is it possible to be arrested for viewing a single image?

If all devices are searched and nothing else is found, and it’s only what was flagged which lead to arrest, is the case likely to be dropped or a caution instead?

What about the grey area of viewing and searching for adult/normal porn, and accidentally seeing something where individuals are actually underage but have ‘developed’ bodies so look older? (A child is a child of course, but anyone can upload anything to a porn site and users might not realise theyre not of age)

I read recently that a well known porn site has had all of its unverified content taken down. Is it possible an arrest could be linked to this?

None of this is the individual’s defence/excuse so far, just me thinking of possible theories until we find out if anything else has been found on devices or not.


Posted Sat December 19, 2020 12:23pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts


Sorry you have found yourself here. From my understanding of this crime (I'm 6 months in from the knock) it only takes one single image to be found from the ip address and a crime has been commited. Even if it was sent in a WhatsApp for example. Some porn sites legal ones have files of this nature attached to files and can be downloaded unknowingly and that is how offenders can find themselves in the trap of the dark Web. Porn addiction starts off in this way and unfortunately an lead into more sinister viewing.

It's hard to say if it's a one off image found or there may be a collection. Some people have left messaging apps running and hundreds have been downloaded again unknowingly and then their life has been destroyer by the accusation. The police won't be able to tell you anything unfortunately. When he is charged, if you have young children you can ask for a Sarah's law and this will let you know if he is a risk anonymously.

The police will scan all devices this takes months.( in our case.) Some longer. There is a level where the police stop counting the images.

There are 3 categories they will be classed in. a b and c.

A being the most serious b being middle and c serious but at the lower scale. Not taking away the seriousness of it.

In regards to their own children and nudity I am unsure of how it works. I would image as long as they haven't been distributed with anyone else. But if other images have been found I would imagine that wouldn't look too good would it.

I hope that helps a little and call the helpline anonymously if you need further advice.

Take care yazz xx

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 4:34pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

My responses below are based on what I have gone through with my partner and what I have learnt being in the forum- so may not be fully accurate but hopefully helpful.

If the police say what year this took place, is it likely that that is the only one? If there was more wouldn't they say all of the years it took place? - this will not be known until the investigation is complete. It depends on how long the offender has been offending. Arrests can happen on a single image for example. My partner was offending on and off for ten years due to porn addiction and cat fishing to get adult male attention. But some people get flagged up soon after they offend.

Is it possible for someone to be arrested due to possessing images of their own child which to an outsider may appear ‘indecent’ due to nudity, but intentions are innocent? Just wondering as parents may take photos of their own child and send them to their partner/family via messaging apps, and this could be ‘flagged up’?
- as said above I'm not sure on this but it is likely would be questioned.

Is it possible to be arrested for viewing a single image? -yes. Even one is too many. At the time of my partner's arrest was him sending a pic of a girl in a private chat.

If all devices are searched and nothing else is found, and it’s only what was flagged which lead to arrest, is the case likely to be dropped or a caution instead? - every case is different. It depends on the circumstances as to why the person had the iioc.

What about the grey area of viewing and searching for adult/normal porn, and accidentally seeing something where individuals are actually underage but have ‘developed’ bodies so look older? (A child is a child of course, but anyone can upload anything to a porn site and users might not realise theyre not of age)- if it is hard to tell I guess it would be tricky to show innocence in not knowing it was iioc. But if anyone suspects it is iioc they need to report it. There are people who have been arressted because they deleted it and ignore it.

I read recently that a well known porn site has had all of its unverified content taken down. Is it possible an arrest could be linked to this?- not sure what you mean by this. The site tool this move after someone struggled to get a video of them removed showing their abuse as a child. Then credit card companies demanded chnage to avoid these situations. Again as I said above of people find iioc but don't report and just ignore it they could be arrested.

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 8:24pmReport post

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