Family and Friends Forum

How do I end it

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Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sun December 20, 2020 9:30pmReport post

So many of you probably read my post about my ex staying at my new house trying to work things out etc however I've decided I don't want to work things out I want a normal life. He's got very comfortable staying but i don't want my new neibours to find out and ruin this fresh start for me... the thing is we've bought each other Xmas gifts etc and I'm back involved with his family I really need him to stop staying over as hard as that is as I love his company but I can't be with him. How do I end this? What do I say to hurt him the least amount possible


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sun December 20, 2020 9:47pmReport post

He gets really pissy though like his face starts tripping him and he sulks


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 10:13amReport post

I just dunno what or how to say it


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 1:03pmReport post

There isn't a rule book on how to end things but I think it would be best for you to keep short and to the point. You say he has got himself too comfortable at yours so you can just start with saying it isn't working out and you want him to leave. I assume he doesn't rent with you?

You dont owe him an explanation, especially right way if your head is a bit all over the place. When I have broken up with people it was always a bit confusing to explain at the time because I wasn't happy about ending things, just needed to happen.

If he asks why, gives excuses or begs etc just stand your ground and say you need him to leave. I recommend trying hard to not say you need time to think it over or you just need space- this can give false hope. Not all relationships can have a clear cut closure.


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 5:02pmReport post

He's gone home I haven't told him yet and he was strangely ok with going but I'm sitting stopping myself from texting him to come back as I'm bored and Lonely


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 9:01pmReport post

Invest in yourself Christine to stop the boredome :) Do something new!


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 11:01pmReport post

It's so difficult he's such a kind person he does so much for me when I'm ill with my illness he takes care of me and the dog I've never been loved like that before and the thought of loosing it forever breaks my heart I have never known anyone like him before so I doubt I'll find someone else like him. That's what breaks my heart. We were so in love we should have been planning our wedding having babies and I won't have that with him now. It's so difficult as everyone not in our positions sees our partners as these evil sick men but we know them and who they really are. I just wish it had never happened