Family and Friends Forum


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Just had a phone call from ss and I felt like i could do this but now I feel like I hit the floor,, telling me that the person I loved is no longer that person and how I need to understand that he is gone and that her personal because its to do with children that It should be a nuf for me to run,, why does none but on here seam to understand,,, she now saying she thinks I am depressed,, I have been still I was 16,,

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 9:54amReport post


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Hi Vickie

sorry ive not been around I’ve been very ill with shingles. How many meetings have u had with SS?

I think my SW is ok she’s the best of a bad bunch (least she turns up for appointments) I do find they don’t talk to each other though I also find they get an impression of you and ur family life and they stick to it no matter what you say.

take care x

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 6:24pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Hi rusty

Sorry to hear u have been bad hope ur better

We have not had like meeting presay just phone calls and cause I said that his charged have gone done,, from grooming to independent messages she said the legial term,, she was like its still about children and that should just be anuf for me not wanting to talk to him or even to think about him having contact with my daughter,, I then tried saying yes I understand that and the risk but he is still her dad and she asks about him she would not listen then turned on me cause was emotional saying I am depressed which I have been since 16 and yes I take my meds for it but Xmas is around the corner and she butted in like it should not make a difference,, just feed up I thro been truthful was best but now I think I have opened another can of worms I just want to know that I can make it thro this journey and we can make it as some kind of a family but she seams set that in her personal application should not happen and then she keeps bring my job up thats why I am talking like I am as if I am OK with the whole thing,,, which I am not OK with it don't think I ever will be but how do I if I don't try if that makes sense xxx

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 6:44pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Thanks Lee

He has done the disclose for just waiting to it to arrive with his solicitor so then the solicitor can go thro it all with me,, cause I want to hear from both side like u said I just know today a bad day and there is going to many of them going forward it just don't think it helped that yesterday I was wrapping present for the kids and did not know what to put on the gift cards if from both of us or just from me,, its the really silly things that seam to set me of,, then the ss said that school reported that my daughter does not mention her dad at all at school but when she home she always talking about him and she talks to other family members about him but just defo going to stand up and show them,, I know safegrauding and how to protect them and going to stick to talking about my feeling and concerns on here or on the free line xx

Thanks again guys xxx

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 7:21pmReport post


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November 2020

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U inspire me so much cause that's exactly what I said she is 4 hun but a very clever child and I believe the same that she does not feel she can,,, my father in law came over before broke up frome school and was in the car when I went into school to get her and said there is someone in the car waiting and she said straight way is it my dad cause I would love that and I said no hun it's someone else and a tear rolled down her check,,, she always saying to me and her grandparents I keep him in my heart and head and hope him well,,, and I keep saying this to ss and she like she only four someone must be putting there,,,

But yes I don't back down once I get a bit in my teeth what ever I have to do to prove myself I will do and there is now,, I just feel she looking for things throw well I am back on my feet let her start looking xx

Thank u lee for the inspiration xxx

Posted Mon December 21, 2020 8:24pmReport post


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November 2020

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Wow Lee I think that's my biggest problem is what people what will think and say,, and learning to be selfish for me and the kids,, its really hard watching people get on with life and ss expecting u to just get on with it but if only,, we have asked to move closer to his parents and need help with equipment for my child to so hear this has been expected so things looking forwards a new start and what that will be time will tell,,,

I always care to much I think about other people's feels kind of over my own happens some times and if this is down to mental health drinking and not taking his medication,, I can then understands who people then end up ending there life because of this because they give up wow its not right what these men and women do but surely its better they get the help and support they need than shutting them out,,,

Posted Tue December 22, 2020 10:00amReport post


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November 2020

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I want to thank u so much I feel I have made a great friend in u and inspired by u that I can do this and help me and my kids and my partner,, just been on the hot line and today is defo a good day,, we will be OK and today is the first day of living life for me and the kids and show ss that I am a protective parent x

Posted Tue December 22, 2020 12:00pmReport post


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November 2020

428 posts

I want to thank everyone for replying and there support so far I know I have a long way to go but days now getting easier and weekends seam to be coming around quicker just Xmas to get thro and it will be a good one for my kids then 2021 start of a new start and putting the building blocks together,, and we aways on here for support advice xx

Posted Tue December 22, 2020 12:11pmReport post


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November 2020

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I do feel the strength I need today and not saying I am not going to have bad days but with the support on here and the helpline I have the support I need and start showing it to the ss that I got this and what I will fight for my happy ever after what ever that maybe xx

Posted Tue December 22, 2020 12:46pmReport post


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October 2020

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Thanks lee and Vickie. I have moments when I feel ok and moments when I’m bad. Last night was migraine and vomiting tonight the rash itches like mad keeping me awake.

Have SS mentioned Christmas as a family to either of u? My SW has said my partner can spend the day with us as long as we have other family members present. They have said this to me but not been in contact with my partner or my in-laws as it was decided by my SW they would be the best ppl to be with us. My SW is on holiday now and handed my case to someone else to sort out Christmas. So do I just do Christmas as my SW planned or shall I ring the office later today?

I find with SS to keep ur answers short. My report by them was so bad it has me and my daughter down as depressed and my son is never with me. I’ve had numerous SW and school nurses and health visitors visit and can find nothing wrong with them they even leave saying the children are a credit to me and I must be proud of them. I smile and thank them but really want to say u come here after u have read the report from my 1st SW which is all lies so I’m not surprised u leave here with a different view.

You are both strong people keep safe and hope u have a good Christmas x

Posted Wed December 23, 2020 1:30amReport post


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November 2020

428 posts

Thank u rusty and Lee

I asked my ss if he could phone my kids Xmas day and she went to town saying he has been found guilty of talking about children sexual how can u be think of him having contact with ur kids,, she then went on to add if it was her personal she would be running for the hills and no contact is what I did say but his charges have change and again she said she does not believe this is the first time he has done it and he would of done it again if he had not been catch,,, I then said I understand the risk but if he wanted to do anything then he would not of closed it all down he would of carried it on,,, then she thro at me I am only saying that because of my job and she believes my job has desensitised me to what he has done,, so I am now not fighting I just going to say yes sir no sir and prove it instead that I am a protective parent and he said he going to prove them wrong,, I have always said actions speak louder than words anyway

Hope u all have what can be a good Xmas and new year and see u all in 2021 to support each other thro that xxx

Posted Wed December 23, 2020 4:16pmReport post


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November 2020

428 posts

Hi Lee

He has been charged and awaiting sentencing now which he has probation on the 4 Jan then back to court the 4 Feb,, but yes she has told me her personal thro about it and then keeps going on about my job and I now worried about I am saying around her and how to act around her,, I like I said we always going to have ss in our life because of my son which I thro would be saying a good thing but again used that against me again,, only good thing she done is help me to try and move ready,, I understand there is a risk but again I told her I been told his solicitor said he believes he had a break down with his mental health and drinking and not taking his meds and she said that does not matter I tried saying I just want to understand and she said there no room to understand

So yes I will ring them after xmas she never child order in place or anything cause I said when I heard the first charges I said there would be no contact cause I was first told he was been done for grooming and trafficking and then now been told it independent messages x

Posted Thu December 24, 2020 10:54amReport post

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