Family and Friends Forum

So sad. So upset.

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 1:36pmReport post

I thought life could not get any more difficult. But it could and it has. Already 9 months of restrictions to every day life, simple things like a much needed hug and a sympathetic loving touch, spending time with friends and family, all gone, and now, today I feel worse than ever. Christmas completely on my own. I really desperately feel I need to be held. I feel no hope for my future in this lockdown world. My friends must be bored with it all now. My protecting him. My sadness. I haven’t told them all about the trial yet, so I have that to face and all the questions. He’s being a coward and has t spoke to anyone else so I feel like I’m carrying his burden. I know the vigilantes will be back on it as soon as they see it in court, and my life will be in the spotlight again. And I can’t escape. I had a plan to stay with a relation, and back up plans. Can’t do any of it now due to covid so feel like I’m a sitting duck.

The kind messages and the ‘merry Christmas’ greetings are all too much to bear. I’ve spent most of the day so far crying. I can’t eat, I feel sick.

Is there anything else to hurt me? I’m almost numb. Waiting for the next set back and disappointment. My life feels like it’s almost over.

Sorry it’s such a pity post, but I need to offload somewhere. I can’t share this with anyone else today of all days.


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 1:53pmReport post


Let it out if it on here then just do it,, better out than in well here's one for u I have just had to order pizza for Xmas Dinner because I forgot to get the turkey out the fridge and the kids turned my fridge up so it still frozen,, me and my in laws have just laughed about I could die inside but haha it defo a different christmas in many aways sending big hugs x


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 2:50pmReport post

Thank you for taking the time to post Vickie. I feel rather pathetic. Hope your pizza is nice...a new Christmas tradition maybe? x


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 3:31pmReport post

It could be hun but i think for me it could of gone the other way where I had broke I have choose to stand by my husband to,, I think the thing that's got me thro so far is so one person said I phone the helpline is that he is all the things we remeber he's just taken wrong road and please I so worried about my friends finding out cause I might lose them but I have my self one promise for 2021 and thats to live my life for me and my kids being selfish about things we our little unit wants not other and letting family help me and not to see that as weak,,, it will get better just be kind and love urself xxx we are all here for u, xxx


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 6:07pmReport post

Hi Tabs

i know how you feel. I have not cried today but I've been very sad because my son is still in prison. I've had no option but to plaster a smile on my face for our grandsons sake but it wasn't easy. Here in Scotland we go into lockdowm at midnight which meant we could go out for the dinner we booked for today. I very nearly cried while in the restraint when my son hit my mind. I popped to the toilet and composed myself for my grandsons sake, This situation is hard all year round but a hundred times worse on Christmas Day. To think of our past christmases with our son there was very very sad knowing where he is. I'm glad we have got through it and it's almost over as I'm not sure I could keep up the happy pretence much longer. I hope you and everyone else on here managed to get through it without to much sadness , hurt and trauma x


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri December 25, 2020 8:21pmReport post

Thanks Nicenana and Lee1969. I hate to think of you, and others, feeling bad too, but it helps not to feel so alone. It's such a rubbish situation to be in. Take care Xxx