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Kids acting out

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Member since
November 2020

428 posts

My daughter has started hitting out and shouting at me she only 4 but very clever,,, but has never hit before and I am worried about her behaviour she has gone to stay with here grandparent today and picking her up tomorrow,, I worried if I start asking her why she doing this that it's doing to lead to other questions about her dad cause all she keeps asking is when is he coming back, can I talk to him and the social is saying no contact,, do I tell the social worker whats going on or will she use against me,,,

Advice please xxx

Posted Sun December 27, 2020 10:41amReport post


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Thanks Lee

I will give that a go just just keeps saying over and over that she keeps in head and in her heart and I have told her that's fine and we all get angry and upset but I just don't want her to hate me for something that's out of my control,,,

Then today I burst out crying cause I looked outside and had snowed he loved the snow and would be out there playing with them and I would be moaning it's to cold close the doors,,, god these emotions man xxx x

Thank u again for ur support x

Posted Mon December 28, 2020 11:57amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Hats off to you both! I don't know how you manage it. You are amazing! I couldn't keep it together for just me. I'm in awe! xxxx

Posted Mon December 28, 2020 8:02pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Hi tab and lee

If it was not for lady's and gentleman on here l probly don't know where I would of turned to I have been waiting for the acting out to come and I know that it would be me that would get it course we always hurt the ones we love the most,,,, but I just want to give my kids everything I did not have growing up and sadly I didn't have my dad around and my step dad was very abusive mental and physical and I ran away from home many of times,,, and I don't want her growing up hating me and cutting me out off her life and her having mental health problems because of all this and all I get from my ss is she 4 ur looking to far head,,, but this is a girl that everything happened to me start when I was 4 and I am very scared and have lots of mental scars from my child hood,,, so I know that if I get this wrong. The just could have a lot of hate and pain and troubles and I don't want that and that's always at the front of my mind through out all this but again ss say I should just run for the hills but how is that going to help her or me that just teaching her to run away from our problems not dealing with them,,

Rant over sorry guys xxxx

Posted Mon December 28, 2020 10:26pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Thanks lee

I understand what he has done is wrong but people should get a second chance,,, and there are many things that played a part in this that's not me saying it's right but I can understand how this could of happened I just wish people ss would be supportive than looking at it one way like,,,

Again thank u lee means a lot and how are u not meant to look to further when they ask what u think ur further and the children further will look like x

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 10:46amReport post

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