Family and Friends Forum

Lonely in limbo

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Member since
December 2020

56 posts

Posted Mon December 28, 2020 7:56pmReport post

Hi my first post. Does anybody have any recommendations for self help apps. Feeling really lonely and depressed. Six months post knock. No chance of meeting anyone else (lockdown and the impending charges on my ex) and I feel so lonely and worthless.


Member since
December 2020

27 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 5:32pmReport post

Hi T2021 sorry you find I yourself here too. I'm 4 months in and feeling exactly the same. I have found this week especially hard as im not working or dashing about with pre xmas preparation. I'm trying to busy myself with reading, Long walks with the dog with podcasts and sorting out jobs in the house. It's hard to get out of bed in the morning. Keep going !! Keep posting it's cathartic and / or call the helpline as there is always someone to talk to. What's your circumstances T2021?


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 6:01pmReport post

Hi T2021

I am exactly 6 months on like you in this. Left the ex after months of lies and manipulation to make me stay. I reached out to NHS talking therapies, I am having weekly sessions via telephone because my anxious thoughts were spiralling out of control and I knew I had to do something to pull myself out of this hole. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about this. Not one person knows what happened. So a councillor has been a god send. Whilst I haven't spoke to friends I have reached out to them and become more social. I went into a hermit mode when this all came to light as I couldn't face anyone and lock down pushed me further inward. I also fear I won't meet anyone else due to covid and not going out but I took the leap and downloaded a dating app. Who knows what may come of it. I'm trying to keep busy best I can, a little bit more self care as Iet my self go a bit. My focus was on other things. Now it's time to get back to myself. Got myself a few new outfits, doing my hair more and even got an invite out for nye. When it was gonna be a micromeal for one! Try and surround yourself with others if you can. This is a lonely journey to be on. Really hope your okay love. I remind myself daily. Its his mess not mine to carry. And I did the right thing walking away xxx