Family and Friends Forum

Support after sentencing

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Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 12:11amReport post

Can anyone advise on what support someone should get after sentencing? (person has not gone to prison) is anything offered as standard? Does the person need to seek it out themselves and pay for it? What kind of things are helpful. Looking to move on with our lives. Advice and experiences would be helpful. Thanks.


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 11:47amReport post


My hb didnt go to prison either but was given a community order, put on the register and shpo for 5 years. He has been assigned a probation officer who he has to see on a weekly basis. He attends SAA meeting also weekly. But apart from that he/we have not received any other support apart from counselling that i had and had to pay for.

I would ring the helpline and see if they can help you anymore.

Mata x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 12:27pmReport post

My partner has a suspended sentence. The only 'support' offered is probation. But the main point of the meetings is to keep tabs. In theory they help find jobs but they did t make too much of an effort for my partner. He managed it without Thier help. Tho through his probation that is how I found out about this forum because he told them I do t know where to get support.

My partner is also offered courses to help rehabilite but he did the inform course already so wasn't much else to offer (e.g. they offer anger management for violent offenders but limited in sex offences....).

Overall the probation service is good to let my partner chat to someone regularly and if he has issues can contact them. For family and friends tho there isnt much. LF forum has been great for me and is all o need tbh. There are courses offered too for family and friends, not just for those waiting investigation outcome


Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 10:33amReport post

Thank you for your replies.

I just wanted to hear about other people's experiences as my relative is only having probation and in terms of moving forward there is no question that he will need more support in order for there to be a future.

I didn't expect much of it to be funded but that's okay, I just don't know what kind of counselling or groups there are and what people have found helpful or not.

I don't really know how to encourage him into attending counselling or group therapy if anyone has any suggestions.

This is so very hard. And heartbreaking.

Thank you.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 2:16pmReport post

Probation helped my husband with accessing counselling though he could also have just self referred as it's NHS. They also have an autism specialist that he's working with.

Depending on what your relative needs in terms of support you may find probation can point them in the right direction, or you'll find you're on your own to find something suitable. I know some people find SLAA helpful, there's also the LFF course.