Family and Friends Forum

Is there a future?

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Member since
October 2019

12 posts

Posted Tue December 29, 2020 10:21pmReport post

To those of you who are a bit further through this hell can you tell me your stories. Did your partner ever get to have unsupervised access to your children again?

It has been 14months for us and he is still in conditional bail, with no unsupervised contact. My son loves his father. The victim was female. If I thought he posed a risk to his son he would have been out of our door on day one.

I'm struggling with raising an autistic child during the pandemic. I am his full time carer, but now partner has lost his job over the arrest. We found out the week before Christmas. I've been offered a job, but I don't know how I can take it. I want my son to just be with his dad while I work. I had to give up my doctorate when it became clear that he was having problems, about 6 years ago, when he was 2. He turns 9 next week.

I want to work. That was always the plan eventually. Now I have to work or we can't afford to live, but will have to employ full time childcare, that will make my son miserable and I can't afford. Social care don't think he will harm his son, but they won't budge on supervision until the police finish forensics. There's been one laptop outstanding that is a work one, for 6 months now. It wo t have anything on it as its a heavily protected government laptop (he was a civil servant)..

For those of you for whom the nightmare has ended, or got better, and life back to something like normal, how long did it take? Does this ever end? I'm struggling with the uncertainty of it all


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed December 30, 2020 2:32pmReport post

Sorry you've found yourself a part of this group!

Whilst I haven't come out the otherwise now, I know a lot of ladies and gentlemen here have. It takes time, and I would say that it all depends of what you want from life now I guess. Do you want to stay with your partner or do you want him to just be a dad to your son?

Find out what you want from life first and then see if you can make it some kind of normal again.

Have social services been made aware of your job situation?


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Wed December 30, 2020 7:26pmReport post

Hi there,

I suspect SS may not budge on the contact arrangements until the investigation is complete - well that's certainly what happened with us. My husband was in court a few months ago and has just been allowed to live back at home with unsupervised contact. This was very much suppprted by his probation officer who pushed for a SS assessment (after they closed our case) It will very much depend on a number of things. I didn't for one minute think mine would ever be allowed back home but he proved that he isn't a risk to our children and this was found to be the case in both the probation and SS assessments. SS have now closed our case.

Hang in there xxx

Edited Wed December 30, 2020 7:28pm


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

Posted Thu December 31, 2020 2:07pmReport post

I too wish for my husband to be allowed back home for good after court case ..I wish for him to be allowed back before even ..

keep fighting, there is light at the end of the tunnel