Family and Friends Forum

Your stories and outcomes.

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Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 4:15pmReport post


Me again. I'm sorry. I seem to be a regular here at the moment.

Can any of you who have now been through the courts and had a sentence be happy to share your stories of what the person was accused of, what came out in the wash, and what happened in the courts.

Also people who have stories that didn't even make it to court.

Thank you

Edited Sun January 3, 2021 6:16pm


Member since
January 2020

34 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 5:57pmReport post

Good thread. I found it very helpful to read similar stories and hear of the outcomes when in the midst of our situation. Not knowing was the worst part for me, I spoke to someone with pretty much the same circumstances on here so I knew what to expect in terms of outcome which helped majorly. So hopefully this will help many searching for answers.

my son spoke to a minor in a chat room on kik, went to meet the minor which in turn was actually a police decoy. Took 6 months from that point until sentencing. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison (he'll be realeased after 2 years) SO register for life. It was never reported in the media.

It is such a horrendous time and I send my heart out to all the poor innocent families that find themselves in this dreadful situation Xx

Edited Sun January 3, 2021 5:58pm


Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 6:18pmReport post

Hi Devestated,

Thank you for sharing your heart breaking story. I hope you're dealing with it best you all can and I really hope your son doesn't find prison too bad. Heart breaks for all involved.



Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 6:19pmReport post

My husband has been accused of receiving one cat c iioc on snaphat and then forwarding it on, which has landed him in the distribution category aswell now.

So posession and distribution of one cat c iioc. Unless forensics come back with anything more I have no idea what will or could happen.



Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 7:46pmReport post

My partner was given a suspended sentence for two years in 2019. Ten years on SOR and SHPO. This was for making and distribution of all categories, and also had a charge for animal pornography (which wasn't really mentioned in courts, likely because iioc is more serious).

He had the knock in summer 2017, so took over two years for the investigation to finish, get charged and then sentenced. He was flagged up from him sharing a iioc over a chat room. After the police took his devices they found more than 1000 images. He had been offending for ten years on and off. Started off as typical interest in porn but got hooked on tabboo and the extreme. He also cat fished men pretending to be young girls to get attention. He got caught up in a stupid fantasy in the online world and got so detached he desensitized to the seriousness of his actions.

His marriage fell apart on the day of the knock, and has not seen his kids since. But the knock was also a blessing since he got the help to rehabilitate. He has since been in touch with Lucy faithful, attended a few sex addiction anonymous sessions and the inform course run by Lucy faithful.

My partner's case wasn't featured in the news, it isn't always obvious if they will be of press interest. I think it is more likely if someone was pleading not guilty perhaps. I will admit we were convinced he may have gone to prison. We are thankful that didn't happen. Tbh I wasn't really that prepared. We were renting so the only plan was that I would move out as soon as could because I could just about afford the rent and bills.

Edited Sun January 3, 2021 7:47pm


Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Sun January 3, 2021 7:54pmReport post

Thank you for sharing your story. So sad for you and your children. I hope you are coming to terms with it all and are slowly finding a new normal for you and your family.


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Wed January 6, 2021 9:25amReport post

I find it helpful to hear the outcomes. Thank you


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Thu January 7, 2021 4:25pmReport post

My story so far husband got the knock on the 28th october,, house searched and all devices taken went to court the 30th October plend guilty,, was first told the charge was gromming then 5 of November was told the charge was now publishing a sexual article online,, which I am to believe it was my husband talking to a police decoy sexual about under aged girl,, and now waiting for find out if he will go to prison or not,, he has been remanded in prison since the 28th October, I have now found out he was drink alcohol a lot 6 blacks bags I cleared from under my bed,, and not taking his medication for anxiety and depression,, we in court the 4 Feb so anxious waiting and probation was meant to go and see in the 4 Jan but didn't turn up we have two children and ss are not happy I think but it not there life just have to wait and see the outcome sorry u joined the group but so much support on here and none judges at all xx the helpline is great to my next steps is doing the course for me x

Edited Thu January 7, 2021 4:27pm


Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Fri January 8, 2021 7:32pmReport post

Our story... knock early July 2020 and seized his phone. Charged beginning of October for possession of 15 images and 1 extreme pornography video of a animal. Sentenced today to a community order, rehabilitation and 100 hours community service. 5 years on sex offender registar and a 3 year sexual harm prevention order. Just got to work with social services now to get him back home but they seem sure it will be soon as we have been having some contact with them. Feel we have been very lucky as it's been so quick but it has still turned our lives upside down for the past 6 months. Luckily he has been allowed supervised contact from day one and we have been able to keep life fairly normal for our child. Feel relieved court side is over but hope the next part is as quick as they say.

Take care everyone xx

Edited Fri January 8, 2021 7:33pm