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I’m to be interviewed by the police.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Mon January 4, 2021 1:09amReport post

I recently had a phone call from the police telling me I will also be interviewed about the case. Has anybody been in the same situation? I asked why? And they said because I’d mentioned in a previous chat that I thought there was something wrong (with me and my partner and the relationship. I thought he’d gone off me) that they want to get my side of things. In the first ever SS report it was mentioned that they thought my partner had groomed me and they would look into this and think maybe that has something to do with it too. I don’t want to be interviewed I don’t even want my partner back living at home. I’ve realised he’s selfish and i don’t think he realises what he’s done or what impact it has on the family. He lives with my family as his are out of bounds due to younger siblings yet is doing nothing to look for a place of his own I found out recently that his parents have bought a new car and put a big cash deposit down on it. I think they should be helping him out and getting him from under my family’s feet as I feel bad he’s imposing on them. I’d be happy for him to visit the family home to see the kids but that would be for all.

Thanks for reading


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon January 4, 2021 9:35amReport post

I haven't been interviewed personally (but I met my partner after the knock), but it might be best to have legal representation there just in case. It is never a sign you are guilty to request representation, it can help make sure the police are fair in asking questions. You could also perhaps get legal aid to look more into whether you have to be interviewed. I am assuming this is voluntary interview anyway so you dont have to go.


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Mon January 4, 2021 7:18pmReport post


I believe I’m having his solicitor sit in with me. I really don’t want to be interviewed but I feel if I decline I will look like I’m guilty of something or that I’m protecting my partner and I’m ok with what he’s accused of. I’m so angry with what he’s putting us through.