Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Mon January 14, 2019 10:22pmReport post

Do any of the perpertrators go on to lead "normal" lives or even go on to help the children who are or have been abused... t.i.a


Member since
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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 8:32amReport post

What i mean a drug user you could become a drug councellor .. etc etc


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 11:02amReport post

I wouldn't imagine for one minute that an offender would be able to do a counselling type of role.

A 'normal' life I'd imagine would be incredibly hard to lead especially if there were restrictions put in place such as being on the SOR. Whilst I'd like to think after this has been dealt with life would be normal, I very much doubt it. It's going to be constant work for someone like my Husband who has a porn and sex addiction to lead as normal a life as possible, just like an alcoholic or a drug addict, it will take work to not fall off the wagon.


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 2:15pmReport post

Unfortunately I agree. The offence is so stigmatised that people would give them a chance it seems hard enough to have unsupervised contact with their own children let alone a safeguarding role with responsibility.

my ex is not inherently bad. He is just very vulnerable and stupid. I don’t even know if he can keep his own job.

I haven’t heard many stories of redemption. The police officer said this offence wrecks lifes.

i would love to see stories of men coming out the other side happier and dealing with the issues leading to offending but I don’t know.

i supposed the main support role would be speaking out to other men who have got similar difficulties as an advisor. But in the press the men that are confident to speak out always seem to have their faces blurred out.

sorry for negative post. Like I said I would love to see some positives. But think these are from people who’s partners probably stick by them. My ex is still in the self pity denial it was that bad stage. The most I hope for is he can keep a regular job.


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 2:16pmReport post

People wouldn’t give them a chance I mean


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 2:31pmReport post

I think a relatively normal life is possible. As the others have said there is not really any chance they could work with children even after the conviction is spent. But they could work with other offenders to help them onto to right path. Im hoping normal life is possible, i know people can and do address their issues, have a job, friends and family but i guess its a different normal.


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December 2018

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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 3:48pmReport post

Yes maria thats what i meant.. the offender helping the offending.. does this role son was talking about it yesterday when i think the realization and magnitude hit him..he sobbed in my arms.. .. he didnt really understand that just by looking at a few pictures on the internet he was abusing.. he sure does now... his nxt sentence was..OMG someone needs to help the kids... we are only 4 wks post knock and court for sentence is tomorow... .. xx


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 4:03pmReport post

That’s good I need some hope too. You’d sin is very brave confronting these issues. I am sure he appreciates you greatly and having family support helps with the long term recovery. What a journey for everyone to travel.


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December 2018

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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 4:03pmReport post

Son not sin obviously


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 4:05pmReport post

Good luck tomorrow xxx


Member since
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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 5:31pmReport post

Thanks beth. Just packed his bag for court incase.. jeezus that was hard.. .. im sure i will let u all know the outcome tomorrow.. feel ill just thinking about tomorrow.. never been in a courtroom in my life... what a bloody mess x

Sad sad

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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 6:31pmReport post

Good luck tomorrow x


Member since
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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 6:44pmReport post

Thanks sad sad xxx


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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 7:09pmReport post

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, try and look after yourselves xx


Member since
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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 7:47pmReport post

Thoughts are with you and your family tomorrow



Member since
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Posted Tue January 15, 2019 9:30pmReport post

Firstly Jono, good luck for tomorrow wish someone had told me to pack when my husband was sentenced, we had no advice there.

Anyway, my husband has been out 6 months now, he attends probation weekly, they are pleased at how he is doing. He has a job and has had since September. Although we can't live together, we speak daily and see each other when we can.

We are trying to satisfy children's services with all there requirements Although he has conditions, the majority of the time it does not affect his daily life. Although he is nervous and cannot stand busy shops. Christmas was a nightmare in the supermarket.



Member since
October 2018

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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 9:17amReport post

Lots of love and luck today Jono x

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 12:19pmReport post

Good luck today. Today is the day that the new journey begins. Sending love x


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 10:31pmReport post

Guys you are invaluable.. i do hope u all realise that.. court was a nightmare but its done now... another hurdle completed.. my lad got 80 hrs community service..3 yr court 5 yr on the so register..with no restrictions. ..this could of been so much worse..

Tonight i will sleep.. my son is not in prison.. he informed me earlier that he is 30 days clean.. clean of alcohol. Cocaine and porn.. thats an achievment in itself..

We can only go forwards from here .. i know that without you guys giving a little input here and there i would of gone under.. i really was drowning.. i thankyou from my heart ...every single one of you

Thankyou xxxx..


Member since
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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 10:40pmReport post

That really is good news to hear Jono. I was truly hoping and praying a custodial sentence wouldn’t be the outcome and your sons barrister was preparing you for the very worst outcome whilst holding out for the best. Tomorrow is another day and another new step forwards in your lives. Good luck for the future, all of you.


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 10:42pmReport post

And thankyou for all your good luck and best wishes ... i am now going to have a good sleep... feel like i havent slept since that dreaded knock.. .. xx thanks u guys once again x


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 10:44pmReport post

Thanks Jaded.. ur msgs of hope are so much more than just appreciated.. Thankyou xxx


Member since
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Posted Wed January 16, 2019 11:12pmReport post

This is such good news. What a rollercoaster of emotions you must have felt and what a relief. You deserve a good night sleep. Your son sounds so brave for coming through this and really reflected on the situation he got himself. Not all the men are this strong.

love to you and your family! What a journey.



Member since
September 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 5:43amReport post

Im really glad you got a better result than you feared. I hope now you can all move on to better things and your son can continue on journey to get rid of all his addictions, sounds like hes already making good progress.


Member since
October 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 9:23amReport post

That's a huge weight off your mind. Hope you had a great sleep!

Amazing news that your son is 30 days clean, I hope he carries this on.


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 5:41pmReport post

Well done to your son for being clean I really hope this continues for you all.

I'm so glad for you that is not as bad as you thought it would be.

What is the court order, what does that mean? Sorry I'm being a bit thick but I don't understand it all

Enjoy a good night's sleep, you deserve it xx


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 5:50pmReport post

What a relief for you all, now he can begin his journey of recovery.

We are 5 weeks in, I’ve been reading this forum everyday clinging to hope but not knowing what else to write since my initial post!

My husband hasn’t has access to the internet in this time but he was finding it difficult, more impossible as he needs emails and maps for his work as a driver. So yesterday he got a new phone which I set up with parental controls, no internet he just has what he needs to get by. He’s currently going through mental health and hopefully will be given what he needs to deal with his issues from the past to understand how he got in this mess. The way I see it, the more he gets started on before court the better.


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 6:57pmReport post

Definately E.. he needs as much help. Support and courses and doctors.. to help him and assist him in the realization of the offence.. tracy i dont know to be honest.. im hoping someone may have an answer as we got nothing on leaving the court except a bit of paper saying attend probation.. he went there today but hey ho..computers were down and they knew nothing of the case apart from his name..bk there nxt week... .. all i know is 3 yrs court order with no restrictions.. im sure we will know more when all the big guys have actually took the time to correspond with each other.. but for now im a happy mum. Well not strictly happy but very releived hes not in the jail xx

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 12:51pmReport post

Jono1 - really pleased for you and your son that this outcome was the least bad. In terms of him being clean/sober - that’s great. Both AA and NA are great 12 step programmes if he wants more support with that. There is also Al Anon for those affected by others’ substance misuse - I knew a few people who have found its support invaluable x


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 12:54pmReport post

Hi big sigh.. he is at a meeting every night ..AA..NA..CA..and PAA. hes doing well ..i just hope this continues xx