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Spoke to my husband first time in 2 months

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Member since
November 2020

23 posts

Posted Wed January 6, 2021 7:29pmReport post

So I spoke to my husband for the first time since November, it was a call that also had my solicitor involved. To say I feel horrific is an understatement. We are separated and the divorce proceedings are underway. He was a complete mess, incomprehensible at times and just awful. I cannot even begin to explain. His Barrister is speaking on court this Friday to see if he can change his plea to not guilty the if it is revoked he has a sentencing next Friday. I honestly feel like a cannot breathe at times, he is so scared of outcome if he gets prison. I know we are not together and I have to be really careful how I come across to people but I can't help be feel so hopeless and helpless in this mess. I wish I could do something it's just horrendous. I just want to crawl into a ball and cry. Just got my eldest to bed now gonna put my 15 week old down and might go to sleep too so so so sad.


Member since
October 2020

29 posts

Posted Wed January 6, 2021 7:55pmReport post

Hi Simple.
Sorry to hear how you feel. I too feel so helpless towards my husband who is due to be sentenced within weeks. The closer we get the more upsetting he's getting. I have finally spoken to my GP yesterday and have some medication to try and help and we discussed counselling in the future but it's just such an awful situation when literally nothing seems like it will resolve this mess. We have no children (had hoped to start this year) and will likely conclude to separate so we can move forward.

I'm sorry I can't give much advice apart from I felt telling a best friend helped to know I have someone other than immediate family I can talk to if needed. But I want you to know your feelings are normal and I believe many women on here when they say it will get better post sentencing and with time.


Member since
November 2020

39 posts

Posted Wed January 6, 2021 7:57pmReport post

This is a man you had built a life with abs loved, probably still love! It is absolutely normal to feel like this to see he's struggling. Feeling concern for him is natural but I realise we all have to be careful of how that comes across. I have no words of wisdom just hope and pray you get a restful night, sending so much love


Member since
November 2020

23 posts

Posted Wed January 6, 2021 9:19pmReport post

Thank you whatwhenhow and imploding for responding to my post. It's just so traumatic, it is like witnessing someone disintegrate in front of you. Just so horrible and sad. I just get completely overwhelmed when I think about prison if he sentenced, how he will cope and what might happen to him. Xxx


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Wed January 6, 2021 9:45pmReport post

i, just thought I'd respond as my mum felt similar. She originally was going to leave my dad however she said she had built a life with him so it was hard.

my mum decided to stay with my dad, and help him as it was obvious it was mental health and we could see the remorse. I'm not saying you do the same, but just know that how your feeling is completely normal!! it's human to feel empathetic towards someone especially someone you've built a life with, it's how you deal with this empathy, you have to find what suits you! If you think talking to him and helping him will help you then do that; however if you feel like distancing yourself and focusing on you and your life then do that, there's no right or wrong answer on how you deal with this as no case is the same.

im not sure if this will help, as like I say it's what suits you! but don't beat yourself up for feeling the way you are, it's still early days for you and you will start to feel more settled about it, it just takes time xx


Member since
November 2020

23 posts

Posted Wed January 6, 2021 9:52pmReport post

Thanks Mac123 you are right, I found it so hard today this afternoon I feel I have been distracted by the emotion if it all. So glad I have my sister and family because I feel like I was useless with the boys this evening. Just quite and subdued. I did say to my husband I need to focus on the boys and that is why I have taken a step back, emotionally I'm struggling and I need to be strong for my little ones. Just a living nightmare x


Member since
November 2020

30 posts

Posted Sat January 9, 2021 11:34pmReport post

Simple, your right it is an absolute nightmare! I remember thinking every second of the day that I would wake up, but it just never happened! I used to find i was crying randomly and wouldn't even know I was! but now, one year down the line- almost exactly, I feel ok! I feel stronger then what I ever have, I have a 1 month old little girl and my dads a grandad for the first time! So even though my dad being arrested and charged was an awful shock, we then had a lovely shock 3 months later that I was pregnant! So there is light for everyone on here, Just proof that it takes time, but it does get easier!

it's ok to be subdued, it's how your mind is processing it all! The people who are supporting you will understand why you need this time, it's important you get enough time with yourself to come to terms with it all! So don't feel guilty for that; and like you say, focus on yourself and your boys! I imagine your children will help you stay strong as well xx


Member since
November 2020

23 posts

Posted Sun January 10, 2021 2:37amReport post

Hi Mac123, congrats on your little girl so lovely!!! Such great happy news!!! It is great to hear that time seems to play a vital role in moving forward and improving our frame of mind. I'm just taking each day at a time and loving each day with my boys. It's the uncertainty of my husbands sentencing that looms, but again that is out of all of our control. Xx