Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2019

7 posts

Posted Mon January 11, 2021 6:06pmReport post

Hi all .My ex partner got arrested three and a half years ago for iioc his case was done a d dusted in six months which resulted in him getting a nine month custodial. The repercussions of his a actions meant I lost my home/job and the one friend who turned out not to be that good friend I thought she was .I continue to struggle with what he did and am really fed up of people saying I should be over it by now I was with him for 26 years and and find it to move on .His story was in the press and all over social media and I got judged very harshly I constantly change jobs yo escape people who find out I would love to be the kind of person who can stand up to people but I'm not can anyone please tell me when this all gets better thankyou x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue January 12, 2021 9:55amReport post

It is not fair that you have been treated like this for another person's actions, who was an adult and you had no responsibility or control over. Time is a strange thing, I can't say how long it will be when it can be pushed to the last. I suggest therapy or talk to LF helpline for advice on how to deal with people who bring it up. Maybe some sort of short and concise response and just keep repeating it until people get the message that you want to move on and they are fixating on something which tbh is none of their business.

It is hard I know but if you show you stay strong and not dwell on your ex others will hopefully be bored and move on. Sounds like to me it is others sensationalsing the whole thing and not considering your feelings.

Big hugs


Member since
February 2019

7 posts

Posted Tue January 12, 2021 6:41pmReport post

Thank you for your reply .Its very difficult to understand why people seem to get pleasure from other peoples misery I am at a stage atm where depression seems to be my biggest threat and as much as I know I have done nothing wrong it doesn't stop the awful feelings I have x