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Another new social worker

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Fri January 15, 2021 11:23pmReport post

So my case has been passed onto another SW this is the 4th that will have been out to speak to me and my children. I feel like I’m back at the start even though we didn’t seem to progress very far anyway. Any enquires I made with the others were always answered with I’ll find out when I get back to the office and let u know but I never heard anything more from them. After my many questions today my new SW replied I’ll have to see what his bail conditions are that the police had set for him. I explained that when released his bail conditions said he could see the children supervised but that SS went crazy at me and told me I was in the wrong and not to let him see them. I dread her reading the report my first SW wrote about me, my children, my family life and work schedule it’s full of lies which when I argued was wrong I was basically shot down. Since the report any of the care team (SW, school nurses and health visitors) that have read it then been to visit us and speak to the children have all said my children are very smart, very loving and have a close relationship with me and each other and are that the children a credit to me. I want to scream at them that u have read the report and all the lies in it and judged us for it before visiting us but I smile sweetly and thank them.

So now I’m back at the beginning no further forward waiting to to see what my partner will be charged with while trying to keep SS happy, my children happy, work and keep a roof over our heads.

Thanks for reading I just needed to vent x


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sun January 17, 2021 8:58pmReport post

Hi lee and thank you.

My last SW was lovely I liked her out of all I’ve ever dealt with and I told this to the new one who said I hope u like me as I’m nice. We will see. I will ask her when I next see her if she actually spoken to anyone or just read reports.

Mum partners still on bail they keep putting his date back as they haven’t gone through all the devices.

How are u doing? I hope u are well x


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Tue January 19, 2021 7:15pmReport post

Hi Lee

his bail keeps being extended as they need more time to search devices and because covid had slowed things down.

My partners now on the list for emergency housing so fingers crossed he will be out of my parents home soon as I feel bad they have been put in this situation.

How are u doing? Keep safe and warm x


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Mon January 25, 2021 7:14amReport post

Hi lee

his bail has been extended to mid March. I have another big conference meeting coming up soon to see if my kids are still on the cpp or downgraded. Personally I think we will stay where we are as nothing has been done by the SS team apart from visits to me. They keep talking about a doing a risk assessment on my partner and my in-laws as they would like them to be present when he sees the kids but nothing has been done yet.

How are you doing? I’m trying to juggle work and school. As a key worker my kids can attend school but youngest has morning sessions ( was supposed to be all day but they are not getting on well with each other) I begged for afternoons as they suit my work but it didn’t happen. I think works sick of me and all this par-larva and how what my partner has done has affected my health, mental health, home life and work life.

I hope ur well stay safe x