Family and Friends Forum

What is the hi tech crime unit ?

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Member since
December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 1:50pmReport post

so my ex’s devices have been requested by the hi crime unit what does this mean?

I am getting scared he is playing down what he is involved with . I am also worried there photos of my daughter in The internet. This is so hard.

its like a complicated break up. I still see him because contact needs supervising and obviously I still care about the him I knew. I am speaking to someone this Tuesday about my feelings. I’m still mixed up.

anyway what’s the hi tech crime unit? Should I be worried or is it that he is used so much encryption software the regular team can’t access it.

I am four weeks in today.

Thanks everyone


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November 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 3:03pmReport post

Well according to Wikipedia it doesn't exist anymore but it dealt with cyber crime. In the Midlands, they have built a special building that only deals with internet crime as there's been a huge increase. Your partners devices are just sent there to access images and info from the hard drive. My husband gave the police all his logins but it's still hard to locate images on a computer as some may have been deleted but are still on the hard drive. Any chats online etc leave a trail and they need special equipment to access these things. I would think all devices go to the same sort of place in each area so I wouldn't assume hi tech crime means it's worse than you thought, it's just that it's harder to obtain tech evidence as opposed to physic evidence.


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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 3:04pmReport post

Arghhh my phone, I meant to type physical not pyshic


Member since
December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 3:19pmReport post

Thanks Lottie that makes sense. At least your husband gave his logins mine didn’t!!!

It shows how he is still denying the problem and the pain he caused. It makes me feel better if most equipment goes to this place.

i hope your well, are you supportive of your husband through recovery. I have a shared history with my partner and I thought I loved him, but this was such a shy and made worse with him not acknowledging the situation.

ny mind is in. Overdrive. I don’t know if I can wait for months for this to be concluded,

everyone on hear is keeping me sane.


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December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 3:22pmReport post

Shock not shy!

Blooming shock for us all I suppose!! My friends just think I have left him because he is having mental health difficulties so I seem like such a horrible person at the present time. I am just not willing to disclose yet.


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December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 3:31pmReport post

Sounds to me it’s the place/unit that deals with cyber crime. Your basic station officer doesn’t deal with cyber crime, it needs ‘specialist’ officers. Those officers should be trained in specialist recovery programmes.

i was under the impression that not revealing passwords etc to police was an offence in itself?


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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 5:37pmReport post

Hi Bethlou23

It's such a horrible time for your, 4 weeks in is such a confusing place to be with your emotions everywhere unfortunately it can take many months but the only good thing is you will get your head around some of it.

With my husband, he's in complete denial that he's done anything wrong at all, he initially said he'd looked but is now saying he never has and my boys are to blame, what a lowlife!!

I'm sure once you get into counselling it will help you although initially it may seem even worse but try and stick with it.

Thinking of you my lovely during this terrible time



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December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 6:55pmReport post

Thanks everyone.

It maybe a crime in itself your right. But it just makes him look like he has something really bad to hide.

Tracey it’s sad that your husband is also in denial. In the forum there appears to be people that wake up to needing help and those men who just can’t accept anything is wrong.

I am actually looking forward to my first counselling session on Tuesday next week. I have so much going around my head.

Thanks for clarification on the crime unit. I just think he never expected to be caught. What arrogance.

Love to you all. There is certainly strength in knowing I am not the only woman going through this.


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November 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 9:55pmReport post

I am supporting my husband as he has been very open with me and the police. I'm 3 years down the line so it's a long process. If your partner gives the police his logins it will really help because it shows a willingness to end the life he's been leading in secret. If he goes to prison, showing he is doing everything he can do to better himself counts for a lot. My husband went to a D cat towards the end of his sentence as a result of hard work inside. His OMU (prison probation) was shocked he got cat D as he had never heard of a sex offender getting it.


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December 2018

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Posted Thu January 17, 2019 10:48pmReport post

Thanks Lottie,

i told him to be honest with the police so we will see. I am trying to distance myself from him at the moment as it’s infuriating that he can’t see past his own self pity. I truly hope my husband wakes up to how leading a secret life is not the way forward for a good future.

I am am really impressed to hear despite the stigma there are men who go on to recovery and reach out for support. How long will he be classified as a sex offender is it life? And is a category d prison an open prison?

sorry for all these questions. As I said I am only four weeks in and trying to navigate the process without messaging my ex. It’s so hard to break away from the routine of having someone to talk to late at night. It’s why the forum is great.

your husband seems to have really engaged in the support available. That’s so good to hear. Life must be hard for men who have a criminal record. He is lucky to have a relationship with a strong partner.

All i I want for my ex is to actually accept responsibility and engage with the support available rather than hide in self pity. You know what he probably wont acknowledge how bad it is till his computer comes back and he is in a corner. Sorry for my rambling still a long way off accepting his offending behaviour.

Do you and your husband get on better than before the knock now the secrets out?

Big sigh

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December 2018

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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 12:46pmReport post

My partner didn’t give his codes when they first came, out of panic, but then gave them at the station. He had told my son not to give his code to his phone either and then the police asked me to give it to them. I was in such shock at the time I didn’t give it to them as I literally couldn’t think. But when partner returned from police station, he rang through with my son’s code. I suppose I am saying is that we all act very oddly at times of stress.

hi tech unit - I am presuming that this is where the forensic analysis takes place. I think there must be different levels according to level of suspicion. So they took my iPad and put it in evidence bag. But when I asked for it back during search, they got me to open it, checked my search history and gave it back to me. Must be because they didn’t suspect me. They had to take my son’s phone as he is older and his computer though said if we had given code there and then they would have checked it and given it back. Anyway, we got a letter 2 weeks later saying my son could get his phone back so he now has it. So I am presuming just a small search of search history done as he wasn’t a suspect. They said they couldn’t do the same with his computer as they couldn’t search it in the same way.

i am presuming that the equipment has to go where there are people who are specialists in looking st deleted files etc. My partner swears blind that there was nothing currently on his devices, but a couple of months earlier there would have been images of over 18s (though they prob looked younger). So In that case I presume only a forensic search would find anything. I suppose in some cases the images are right there in the “photos” file, but even then I suppose a further forensic search would need to be done?

its a shame your partner won’t go for help. He doesn’t need to admit he has a problem to start with - he could just accept that anything that brings the police to the door might be something unhealthy even if not illegal. It is his problem though, not your’s and only he can make that decision.


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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 3:58pmReport post

Wise words big sigh! I agree his choice to accept help. Your right In what you say about anything that brings the police to the door has to be unhealthy.


Member since
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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 4:03pmReport post

Good on your partner for phoning through to the police afterwards. Yes my ex will have known he was doing something wrong and has probably hidden the files. I get the feeling he won’t disclose till it’s clear what evidence the police have on him.

He is surely going to be aware of the embarrassment and has his head in the sand. There is some seriously dodgy stuff on the internet!


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December 2018

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Posted Fri January 18, 2019 6:35pmReport post

i don’t get why the police are allowed to decide what’s ‘healthy’ and what’s not. It’s illegal activity they should be concerned with. Not all ‘intelligence’ is correct either. Not wishing to argue with anyone but on that rationale we should just send people straight to court on ‘intelligence’. Yes the vast majority of those raided illegal images are found, but some are not. I prefer the innocent until proven guilty approach, it’s served this country well until now.

Its a dangerous line to tread where a family home is raided based on what is a very subjective assessment of healthy or not.

Just my opinion!