Family and Friends Forum

Post sentencing conditions

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Member since
December 2020

6 posts

My brother had his sentencing hearing today and was given 22 months suspended sentence and told that he must complete the horizon course in 2 years instead of 3. He was also given a SHPO for 10 years that included living with a child under the age of 18. However when the judge found that my brother lived with my son, he changed the conditions to female children only.

Has anyone had this condition change before? Children's services closed the case last week because I told them that my brother never had unsupervised access. Does this now mean that Children's Services will investigate again even though nothing has changed?

Also does anyone have any experience of the Horizon course? We've researched it but can't find much information and the stuff we do find refers to it only being 6 months.

Posted Wed January 20, 2021 8:10pmReport post


Member since
December 2020

6 posts

Hi Lee,

Yes we were very lucky to get it changed. The solicitor did explain that it would leave him homeless and the judge expressed that at this time, that would not be acceptable. One thing to be thankful for COVID for I guess!
We have searched everywhere but there doesn't seem to be much information anywhere on it. Probation are ringing tomorrow so I'm guessing we can ask what we want to know.

As always thank you for your reply, the information and support. I often see your replies on other people's posts and you really have helped a lot of people.
Best Wishes xx

Posted Thu January 21, 2021 5:47pmReport post

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