Family and Friends Forum

Early realease

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Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Mon January 25, 2021 2:40pmReport post


Does anyone know if it is possible to get an early release from prison for a communication offence. My son is really struggling in there because of his mental health and his walking out onnhim the day he was semtenced and taking his son with her. He has had no contact with them since that day, he badly needs help and has been told he will not get it where he is as there is a waiting list.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon January 25, 2021 8:55pmReport post

Assuming you are in England / Wales then I suggest contacting Prisoners families, they have a helpline.

If you are in Scotland then Families Outside is very similar, and again have a helpline.

I very much doubt he'd be able to get released earlier than once he's served half the sentence. But you should be able to push for mental health / medical support. Those helplines should hopefully be able to point you in the right direction of how you can help to make that happen.

I'm sure covid is making life in prison much worse right now as people are locked up for longer which is leaving them with nothing but the thoughts in their own head, which isn't going to help anyone's mental health.


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Mon January 25, 2021 10:59pmReport post

Hi fatso

sorry to hear about your son. Ima mum to who's son is due home soon. I know how hard it is but I promise you your son will settle down with time. My son didn't sleep for two months and lost two stone in the first six weeks he was in there. It's so hard as a parent because there is literally nothing you can do to help. You can send them clothes, give them money in, send computer in., talk on the phone daily and visit if COVID allows but you can't get them out of there. That very thing made me feel so bloody useless but there was and is nothing I can or could do about it,

sadly, sex offenders are not allowed early release. They are not allowed out for good behaviour early or on a tag. If your son got under four years I'm sorry to say he will be there until he's served half his sentence. I know this is not what you hope to hear because I was in your position. I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that my son would have to stay there so long and there was absolutely nothing I could do to change that.

my son did settle down after he got a change of cell mate. His second cell mate helped my son a lot to settle down and get his head down and get on with it. My son has been away just over two years and I can honestly say I've slep four to five hours per night since the day he got sent there. Give me a message on mum if you need to x