Family and Friends Forum

Bit of positivity with SW

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Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Posted Mon February 1, 2021 11:48amReport post

Hi I thought I would share my positive outcome with the ss today. I've been on this forum about 5 weeks and since the knock like everyone else here it's been the most traumatic and devasting time of my life. Lots of tears, stress, anxiety etc etc. We got the knock 5 weeks ago. My husband was bailed and told me he's addicted to porn and that took him down a very dark path and he's downloaded iioc. Anyway I am 100% in support of him, I don't condone what he's done and believe me we've had some very hard conversations. Aside from that my biggest worry so far was ss involvement so I thought I'd share my positive outcome!. The SW rang me on Friday and we had a very long chat on the phone. I explained my husbands bail and spoke at length about my life, my family etc and kept it all positive and relaxed. She was very happy with us keeping bail and said she'd likely close the case. She arranged to come and speak to my son as he's nearly 16 ( daughter not a concern as she's 18). She came today and was very nice. Chatted with my son about internet safety and what he would do if sent an iioc himself, he said he would block person and tell me. She asked if he knew about what my husband had done and if he understood and said yes. Also asked if he was worried etc and my son just chatted but not much ( typical teenage boy!) asked about school and his grades ( she had spoke to school but didn't say what had happened with my husband so that's good) she looked at his bedroom and chatted more with me and that was it. She's said the case is closed and she'll post out the details and she's texting me some mental health helplines. Anyway I hope it gives some ladies some hope on here as I got myself in a right state after reading what some SW were like!


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Mon February 1, 2021 3:05pmReport post

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Edited Sun May 2, 2021 11:32pm


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Posted Mon February 1, 2021 3:21pmReport post

Hey thank you Yellowhouse!, yeah I'd got myself into such a state reading all the horror stories on here about SS. The Sw that came today was young, very young and calm and not judgemental at all. Also she seemed more clued up with how to talk to a teenage boy! I mean my son wasnt mega vocal but he's not shy if you understand, just a typical teenage lad. She asked me if both my kids have a good network of friends and if they are happy and social ( they both are! I literally have FaceTime permanently on somewhere in my house!). The SW was also clued up on teenage social media, ie Snapchat, tik Tok etc and was very pleased to see my son understood internet safety and what to do if some one sent him iioc etc. She asked for my husbands phone number but hasn't rang him yet. He will be open and honest with her too, he's incredibly remorseful and wants to do everything he can. I mean I don't know what happens when my husband finally gets sentenced etc, would SS be involved in my family again?. I mean looking at everyone's cases on here it's a very slow process! My son potentially could be 17 or 18 by the time it's done


Member since
December 2020

130 posts

Posted Mon February 1, 2021 6:10pmReport post

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Edited Sun May 2, 2021 11:32pm