Family and Friends Forum

Channel 4:Hunting Paedophiles

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Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Tue February 2, 2021 12:21amReport post

For all of us who have experienced the shock of the 'knock' this 3 part under cover series, starting on Monday 8 February will be difficult to deal with and watch.

I also believe that it's essential for all of us to see both sides of this crime, which hopefully educates everyone in society.

I'm sure it will be informative. It was filmed over 3 years....


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Tue February 2, 2021 9:38amReport post

Hi to all

I think I have to agree with lee. My son was more communication than images as he only had a handful of the girl he had been talking to so before this forum I knew very little about why men might download indecent images. I must admit, before all this, I thought like most of society, that men who downloaded them were scum who were interested sexually in children. I now know that's not the case. I now know that most men who look at images have some sort of trauma from years ago or some kind of addiction that gets out of control to satisfy the addiction. I think like Lee, if they were to take you on a journey of a man from knock to sentence that gave the full picture of the possible reason the man did what he did it would be much better. Whether it's images or communication, the public needs to be educated on it. That said, there are a small number of men who are caught who are just bad apples are are paedophiles and for those men they deserve all they get but the public have no idea that most men who download images are not actually interested in children sexually. They are lumped in with the percentage that are paedophiles which leads to not only them but their innocent family being bullied, harassed to the point of moving or worse still ousted after they do move away. The internet has a lot to answer for in today's world simply because people can usually track you down wherever you run to through the internet. Come on ch 4/ bbc etc. If you must make documentaries , at least make them so that they cover both sides of the story x


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Tue February 2, 2021 9:45amReport post

I totally agree with Lee re the heading.. Its an appaling title...

Its already painted every offender as a Paedo and the evidence is the majority are NOT.

It also shows their own lack of education as well...

In my opinion it should of been sex offender or something similar...


Member since
January 2021

497 posts

Posted Thu February 4, 2021 8:35amReport post

I have to agree I will not be watching this. I find this sort of documentary one sided and sensationalist. The title alone is creating a" drama" approach. I do think a documentary highlighting everything we read on here would be very informative. It will take a major upheaval to inform society of the many layers of this sort of crime. Before it happened to us I never even thought about a porn addiction, I mean I wouldn't as my husband totally hid it!!. I was involved recently with some research by Belinda Winder on the effects of " the knock" on partners. Change is happening but I'm afraid sensational " p word" headlines and news reports grab the public and create a frenzy of the mob mentality without facts!. Society doesn't care if a family is damaged, the way they see it at the moment is " well you must of known" or " you're a monster too sticking by them"!


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Sat February 6, 2021 11:42amReport post

I also will not be watching this, I struggle to watch anything along the lines of police interegating people never mind the subject being so close to home- especially because my dad suffered a complete breakdown during his, hallucinated and admitted to things he didn't do as he thought his life was over already. It makes me think of the poor people out there who get purposely entrapped and interegated when they are at there lowest. The shock that them and the family members recieved is made and then they are left to pick up the pieces themselves and this shouldn't be the case!

I think the only time I would watch something like this is when change comes for the offenders, and rather being labelled and instantly charged, they are helped and able to move on with there lives as yes they have done something wrong, but the label that is over them for the rest of the lives is torture and as my dads probation kindly pointed out to me, will be with him forever even when his sentence is over!


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Sat February 6, 2021 1:35pmReport post

Seeing this advertised in the newspaper tv magazine today made me shiver and my stomach churn, it's a year today since the knock and reminders like that don't help. As much as I would like to know just how the police entice and entrap people because they themselves are pretending to be someone else online too, I think this would be far too close to home to watch. It says 300,000 people in the uk pose a threat surely not all of these can't be branded with the p word.
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