Family and Friends Forum

How do I move on?

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Member since
January 2021

20 posts

Posted Wed February 3, 2021 6:44amReport post

hello everyone,

brief synopsis, partner of three years, soulmate, or so I thought.

got the knock last Thursday, over 200 images and videos mainly class A, stored on his phone and distribution.
also found out porn addiction and online relationships with Adult women lasting a few months at a time with their photos also stored.

I left everything to be with this man and travelled the length of the country to move in with him,

I am now back at my parents, no job, no home, nothing but a broken heart and a head full of despair.

how do I move forward, I feel at rock bottom, I have nothing and a gaping whole where my heart used to be, because it's so new and raw I still love him, how ridiculous is that??

thank you x

Edited Wed February 3, 2021 6:45am

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Wed February 3, 2021 2:18pmReport post


Firstly, well done for posting so soon. It has taken me almost a year to get the confidence to post on here.

You'll find a safe space and support (even if you just observe, like me) on this forum.

I feel for you. I read your post and felt the anxiety of these early days instantly. I'm really sorry I don't have much advice for you other than to look after yourself - sleep, eat, rest and try to keep a routine. Do you have anyone you can speak with? I'd really recommend speaking with the LFF helpline, especially during this period.

Look after yourself.



Member since
November 2020

23 posts

Posted Wed February 3, 2021 3:49pmReport post

Heartbroken I am so sorry you find yourself in this position. It's just so unfair and it's such a huge thing to try and begin to get your Hess around.

In November I had the knock, I have just moved into a rental property with my 2 sons under 4, I have filed for divorce but still feel so terribly sad, emotional and hurt about it all.

my husband is awaiting crown court in April it's all a nightmare. I am trying to move forward as best I can. The hardest thing about it all is none of it was our choice. The people on this forum whether it be a mother, wife, sister, brother, daughter never chose this path! We are thrown into a whirlwind and it's hard really hard.

sending you all my love and positive thoughts xxx