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Insurance problem with car/cars

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Member since
April 2020

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Posted Fri February 5, 2021 6:40amReport post

Ok I know this is a odd one but my partner now can't get insurance on his car because of his conviction and it's his life line it's also his work he has been told that he may never get insurance again court date is in a couple of months he is my ICE in case something happens to me because I only have my mum and i have a high risk of injury job. Can anyone shed some light on this as finding this out yesterday has snapped him completely

many thanks and keep safe


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 7:40amReport post

Hi Fallen 33

Don't worry he will be able to get car insurance but unfortunately it will cost a lot more. He needs to go onto unlock which is a website for people with convictions. On there he will find a list of provides of car and house insurance. Some say they won't accept people with sexual offences, but there are others that will.
Make sure you also now get house insurance cover through one of the listed companies as well, as the cover you have now will not be valid. Make sure you get the new cover in place and then cancel your existing cover so as not to fall into the category of being declined insurance. I'm by no means an expert on this but unlock has lots of very good advice. Hope this sets your mind at rest. Xx


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 7:54amReport post

Hi Fallen 33

Just thought I would help with the unlock website as I don't think it's the easiest to navigate. Go onto unlock and scroll down until you see information hub, click on that link then you will see information on insurance and a small blue print link for insurance brokers which you can then download. Xx


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 8:46amReport post

Car insurance should be relatively straight forward. You will have less choices but there's quite a few insurers only interested in motoring offences and don't even ask about non motoring offences. LV is one of those. You can always call them direct and ask that question out right and don't give any other details.

I would not advise using the comparison sites, they will share all the information they collect with all the insurers, and because some want to know they usually ask about convictions in general.

House insurance is the bigger one. Most high street / comparison site insurers will not insure when anyone in the house has unspent convictions. It doesn't matter what it was for. You are seen as a risk they don't want to take, and that's how they keep their prices down, but only insuring low risk people. They also don't insure you if the house is in a flood zone, has a thatched roof, so it's not just those with convictions they won't take.

You'd need to go through a broker for house insurance. I got mine through Home Protect, I know others have done the same. They have worked with unlock in the past, and almost specialise in insuring those with convictions. I will warn you though, most people find the cost doubles.


Member since
April 2020

12 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 11:05amReport post

Thank you all so much o will try and get this though to him it's really taken the last hope for him away as he works on 4x4 and he was told by his solicitor that he wouldn't be able to drive for years. House things are being signed over to his mum. It was that bad last night that he was crying and once again saying he will not make it to court no one needs him and better off just ending it he has said this before but never in the state he was in last night think I got about a hour maybe 2 hours sleep thinking he has done something stupid. so thank you all xxxx


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 1:47pmReport post

I'm going through the process to updating my insurance which I need my partner on. He is already insured with a company that didn't ask on his convictions.

I dont understand why the solicitor said your partner won't be able to drive, unless his case relates to driving they can't ban him. It will be harder to find an insurer but they are out there. I have siad to my partner that he pays the difference if my insurance goes up coz I have him on my policy. I'm not looking forward to home insurance...

Sorry to jump on this but does anyone know if it could impact a mortgage ? We are saving for a house


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 2:38pmReport post

Hi Majestic...

For mortgages as for home insurance unspent convictions must be disclosed. You can find full details on

If you fail to disclose this information and then details are forwarded on by a third party.. ie home insurer / solicitor then both become invalid and void.

I mentioned solicitors as they are obligated by statute of law to pass on details of convictions to relevant parties.

The same principle applies to brokers...


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Fri February 5, 2021 2:45pmReport post

Hi Fallen..

My partner obtained car insurance with Admiral... It increased by £85 pounds... He was convicted of iioc. He has remained with them purely out of loyalty....

Best wishes...

Edited Fri February 5, 2021 2:46pm


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Fri February 5, 2021 10:07pmReport post

We got car insurance from Privilage and house insurance from Home Protect. I shopped around using the list on unlock. Neither were significantly more than our old policies.


Member since
December 2019

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Posted Wed February 24, 2021 6:48pmReport post

So annoyed with my partner. Just had to renew my policy and I swear when I signed up last year they didn't ask about non motor convictions but apparently I was wrong. I hate lying and when It comes to legal/policies I don't want to get in trouble.

I got flustered when they asked about any convictions and proceeded to remove my partner while I consider whether I put him back on in the future. I dont understand why they need to know. The guy over the phone was polite about it and did read out the following questions for me if I continued to keep my partner on the policy. But without giving more details he wasn't able to say whether my partner would or would not have been accepted.

I think they were looking for length of sentence and not the actual charges. But the fact he was sentenced before I got the policy last year I worried would flag up I accidentally lied in the past (again I was sure I avoided such questions but maybe I miss read).

So after all this I ask my partner if he remembered being asked when he got a policy with the same insurer, he then basically said he didn't tell them! He knows I stress out about him not complying with disclosure and keeping his head down and out of trouble.

He doesn't think it is big deal! So in the end my insurance has gone up by 50 quid for removing him. But I need him to be insured on my car. So will now look around and see if I can find a suitable insurance company.

Also worrying they might share he has a conviction to other insurers. I admitted it was a sex offence...maybe I'm worrying over nothing. But this is another aspect to living with an offender that is a pain.

I have told him that any increase in insurance due to his conviction he must pay extra for the difference


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Wed February 24, 2021 10:12pmReport post

Lee - it was further up this thread where people suggested companies that didn't ask about convictions other than motoring ones.


Member since
October 2021

27 posts

Posted Fri October 8, 2021 3:26amReport post


do you have any idea how much extra a year it would cost to insure my son now?he's over 30 and just a named driver


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Fri October 8, 2021 8:15amReport post


I changed my insurance after my run out. I went with Churchill and they dont ask for convictions other then motor. So I put my hub on as a named driver and it hasn't really changed that much in price.

Also had to do my home insurance went with home protect and it was cheaper.


Edited Fri October 8, 2021 8:16am


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Fri October 8, 2021 10:33amReport post

Hi Dadworry..

As others have stated car insurance can be obtained post conviction.

My partner is a named driver on my insurance and the premium stayed the same. He is currently with Admiral and I am also a named driver.

His premium increased by £85...this year is was reduced by £15...

I hope you get sorted around and as others have said avoid the comparison sites.

As for home insurance I went with Home Protection, it's excellent and comes with emergency cover, such as lost keys, plumbing, freezer contents etc.


Member since
December 2019

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Posted Fri October 8, 2021 11:32amReport post

Also to add I recommend doing online (not through comparison sites) to check what questions they ask regarding convictions.

I did over the phone once and they asked about ANY convictions and stopped the call. Looked on Thier website and their online form was specific on only wanting to know about motor convictions. So the call centre wasn't aligned to what they ask online, which is frustrating.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Fri October 8, 2021 12:29pmReport post

Privilege car Insurance don't ask about convictions. My husband is named driver.
we have home insurance with Home Protect. Both were very easy to sort.