Family and Friends Forum

son in prison

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Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Sat February 6, 2021 9:23pmReport post

My son is in priosn for communcation and attempting to mett up offence.Dil and my grandson have moved in with her parents,at the moment I have asked them to facetime me every forthnight so that i can talk and see my grandson, I am hoping to see him when the lockdown is over, I want to maintain this for my son's sake.Maybe this forum is not the place to ask but everytime they phone her parents are always there listening to the conversation, and this is the only way i have contact with her. If i want to speak to her i have to go through her parents. I know my son is writing to her but she is either not geting the letters as she has not responed to his letters for the 2 months he has been there and she will not take his phone calls.I am very angry with her as well because she stayed with him for the 14 months it took the case to come to court and left on the day he was he was sentencesd. Any advice please .


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sun February 7, 2021 12:19amReport post

Even though communication is a bit strained because the other parents are listening in it is good to hear that your grandchild's mum is happy for you to stay in contact. Hopefully in time the other parents will not feel like listening in or your DIL will move out and have more freedom.

I can understand the upset with her leaving your son on the day of sentencing and your emotions remain raw. I would advise seeking therapy because channeling anger towards her isn't too fair on her or yourself. Everyone has their own individual reasons for staying or leaving. I personally would have likely left my partner if he got sent to prison and I told him this. Many people wait until the sentencing to make a more final decision.

Perhaps mediation could be arranged to ensure the contact you have with your grandchild can stay as a regular thing and set boundaries to keep a relationship with your DIL and grandchild.