Family and Friends Forum

Feeling exhausted

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Member since
November 2020

30 posts

Posted Sun February 7, 2021 4:58pmReport post

Just need a rant as I don't want to place blame on anyone!

recently had my beautiful little girl, we're all over the moon with her she's beautiful however does not sleep!! my partner is starting a new job, also over the moon for him but it means he'll be working away 4 days a week, but can't turn down the opportunity! We're still getting risk assessments completed for my mum to supervise contact around my dad as well, and have applied for over night stays as well to give me a break- we did this before she was born but we are just waiting on police checks!

feel like there isn't light at the end of my tunnel at the moment, I've stayed so positive and I still wouldn't change having my beautoful little girl or having my mum and dad as my support bubble as they are amazing with her! I just need to know that I'll be able to have a break! Being in lockdown as well I can't even have friends look after her for an hour or so as my support bubbles is my mum and dad and I'll be breaking rules!

not sure how anyone can help with this! Just know that a lot of people here will be more understanding then my friends who havnt gone through it :(

In limbo

Member since
January 2021

55 posts

Posted Wed February 10, 2021 10:44amReport post

I feel for you. Lockdown has made this nightmare even worse (if thats possible). However it must be even harder for you with lack of sleep and a new baby. My daughter is my bubble as i live alone now, but she lives over 100 miles from me.

Try and sleep when your baby sleeps and not worry about housework etc. Enjoy your baby, they grow up so quickly. Things will get easier with time. xx