Family and Friends Forum

Rights to recording

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Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Mon February 8, 2021 2:27amReport post

So my daughter was subjected to having 4 professionals. 1 specialist police officer and her trainee and 1 social worker and her trainee all in her bedroom having a "chat" with her. From what I understand only one was talking to her and they were also recording her answers. What rights do I have to information surrounding this...?

It's not that I want to listen too it. My daughter wanted to talk to me about it afterwards and told me everything or what she wanted to. More that I want to know what the specialist thinks following it and what happens with the recording... Would it be played in the court if it went that far.....! They seemed to have spoken to her, gathered evidence and then disappeared !?!



Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Mon February 8, 2021 7:46amReport post

She's 10. I know I thought I hadn't seen anything on here of recordings either.

They didn't tell me they recorded it but my daughter said they told her they were. Considering they've told me they don't believe any harm has come of the children I find it strange that just a few hours after her world was turned upside down she was spoken too by so many people and expected to say all the 'right answers' either a disclosure or language that shows something has or hasn't happened to her.

Where can I find the contact information for the family rights group please ?

Thank you xxxx

Edited Mon February 8, 2021 7:47am