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Mother in law

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Member since
January 2021

8 posts

Posted Mon February 8, 2021 12:31pmReport post

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Edited Mon February 8, 2021 2:41pm


Member since
January 2021

494 posts

Posted Mon February 8, 2021 1:00pmReport post

Have you raised this worry with your ex partner?. It could be that being his parents they don't want to know all the in depth details to what he's done. I'd find it very hard to hear that my son had been viewing iioc. It could be a bit of burying their head in the sand, or trying to protect him from the reality of it all. Are you on speaking terms with his parents?. Maybe you could leave the Lucy Faithfull print outs with them to look at.


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Mon February 8, 2021 1:37pmReport post

Hi Penny

i am a mother who's son got the knock for commincation offence. I think Louise has a point in saying they may not want to know the whole ins and outs of what their son has done. I know it was very hard for me to listen to what my son did back in the first few months of the knock. As a mother, I eventually had to face the problem head on and accept that my son had done what he did. It was then my job to support him and try and get him any help he needed. Fortunately my son has no children which makes it less complicated but the hurt, devastation, shock etc is no less or no more than any other family. I honestly suggest you talk to your ex about your parent and tell him you feel unsupported by them and that you get the feeling they may not really be taking it seriously. I suspect his parents have no clue as to how your feeling at this time.

I will say, once social worker for your son through probation or ppu after sentencing gets involved your in laws will have to face up to it if he's still living with them as it's the social workers job to approve where he's living. Certainly here in Scotland, to do that, they come out to speak to the parents. The parents are asked to tell the social worker in their own words what it is they think their son has done. This bit was very uncomfortable for me but I had to be completely honest about what he'd done as I was afraid my address would not clear if I was seen to be minimising what he had done. I'm not sure my reply will help you but I hope it at least give a little insight into what may happen down the line x