Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun January 20, 2019 9:22amReport post

Hi guys

Can't make out why I'm feeling as low as I ever had when I'm 8/9 months in!!

I know I've got 3 court dates this year, one for the divorce which is horrible and I'm really worried that I'm going to end up in loads of debt of the judge decides he deserves all the assets, I know this isn't likely but your head does silly things to you!!

Then there are 2 court dates, the 1st is when he's supposed to have a professional to say what he's claiming is possible then the trial in April.

All my friends and family have been fantastic but it's 8 months ago and their lives have moved in, mine hasn't, it's still the first thing I think about when I wake and the last before I go to sleep. I've been through time and time again what's it is going to be like for me to give evidence against him and what the barrister will do, it gives me nightmares.

Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself, I don't know if I need my medication upped, to be fair I don't really know what I need!

Sorry to man and whine but you guys understand

Lots of love xx


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Sun January 20, 2019 9:38amReport post

Time for us kinda stands still, its impossible to move on until all court cases are over and even then im sure the emotional strain will take time to heal. But we can do it, whether we are 1 days in or years in. Dont overly stress about court for the trial, tell the truth, take your time answering, ask the barrister to repeat the question if you need to, it will be tough they may try to discredit you or reword questions to try and fluster you but take a deep breath and know you are not on trial he is. Its ok to have low days but hopefully soon they will be few are far between. You can do this and try not to fear the worst.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Sun January 20, 2019 1:02pmReport post

What reassuring words.

Its nice to know there is no timetable everyone is entitled to take their own journey to recovery and together as a unifying group we can bring positivity to each other and to also stand with you on low days. I think any time in the first year has to be hard because there is always this time last year everything was good and we were in ignorance.

saying that I don’t want to go back to denial.

so sending you so much love in your pain. It’s your feelings however long it takes is justified for you. And as we all know some days are better than others .
