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Sentencing, media coverage and friends

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Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Wed February 10, 2021 6:41pmReport post

So he's been to court. Sentenced and low and behold it's been all over the newspapers and social media. Iv read the threats towards him already. The comments are building up in volumes.

The day iv dreaded from the start of all this. The fear that has kept me up night after night and finally it's here. For all to see.

He pleaded guilty. And all the details are out there to see. For all to see. His photograph, his address. Iv been fixated on following the comments. Something I need to stop. It stops today.

To anyone reading this my backstory is on here somewhere.

For all the nights I have worried, doing so has not changed the outcome.

Now its happened, it actually isn't as bad as I thought. While it wasnt welcomed to see so public, the end of this nightmare is here. I can finally see a little justice not much as I don't agree with his punishment. I would highly suggest anyone going through this to get some cbt therapy this will aid anxious thoughts and help control the worries. I also recommend Councilling. Talk to someone impartial and out the loop can really help make sense of thus horrendous situation. Just having a voice. Don't hold it in for 6 months like I did telling no-one. Looking back I didn't help myself.

Today I took a breath. It's completely over.

I would like to thank Lucy faithful for being the only support I had in the beginning. Lee1969 your knowledge of this subject is impeccable. Your willingness to post for others even when your going through it yourself is beyond selfless. You've been a massive resource for others. Aswell as mable, snowdrop, rainbow and majestic topaz. I thank you all for being on this horrible journey with me and for sharing your knowledge of this horrendous subject and always offering support and advice.

I finally told my best friend today.

She cried with me. She listened and provided me with so much love and support. I worried myself stupid she wouldn't understand, but she proved me wrong and I'm so grateful for that.

Now I wish to heal from this collateral damage I found myself in. I fear I will take this forward with me, but I am working with my Councillor to help me not to.

I also went on a 2nd date today and we've just made it a 3rd! Life is on the up. And I am going to grab it with both hands



Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Wed February 10, 2021 10:52pmReport post

You and me both Lee.

As far as I'm aware it's local. It's made twitter and fb too. As from tomorrow I will no longer check. Iv carried this for 8 months and its a relief to say its over.

It felt a few things opening up to her today. I'd read posts were friends had turned on people when told and that was always in the back of my mind. This morning when I woke up it was all over social media and I didn't want her to find out in that way so I took the bull by the horns so to speak and we spoke for several hours over the phone. She couldn't believe I carried this alone. Neither can I looking back.

Wise words as always Lee, definately staying away from socials for now. I'm selfishly enjoying lock down because I can hide from work etc so hopefully by the time I return this will be old news.

I honestly meant what I said earlier. I don't think you realise how important your role is on here. You are an inspiration to myself and to others. And I pray your nightmare ends soon and you have the strength to rebuild your lives after this.



Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 10:45pmReport post


Sending you best wishes for the future.....

I hope you still find time to support others going through this nightmare... You have helped hugely and I appreciate it...


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 10:52pmReport post

Thank you snowdrop :) hope your okay xxx

Whilst my journey is over if I can help others I will continue. If I can share and give a little comfort then most definatelt I will continue to give back to the only place I found solice myself xx
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