Family and Friends Forum

What do I do?

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Member since
December 2019

3 posts

Posted Wed February 10, 2021 9:53pmReport post

My dad got the knock just under 2 years ago. Recently he had a letter to attend court but this has been postponed due to covid, by the time he goes it will be over 2 years not the initial 4-6 months we were told.

My mam and dad have broken up over this bit still live in the same house (in separate rooms) as a sibling of 3 I am the only one living at home and it hasn't been to bad as we get along all things considered.

My dad is the type of man of very little words and as the date draws nearer me and mam need to either move out or continue to live in the family home without him. He won't say either way. I decided to stay as it was close to work and back then we didn't know what was happening. Now it's here I'm at a loss. I can't leave mam by herself as she hasn't been alone in her life, I'm her one and only now. On the other hand I know he did wrong and will never 100% forgive him but he's not been alone either.

I'm not sleeping, I'm drinking more and tired of thinking. No one knows what will happen when the time at court comes but I really don't know what to do now.

Has anyone had this? Anyone know how I can switch off? Be there for both parents even though mam is struggling to the point she crying in front of me (she's not done that before) my head feels like it wants to explode as so much going on but I have to remain level headed throughout and be strong for those around me.

Any help would be appreciated and if you have a time machine that can fast forward the next few weeks it will be appreciated x

Mama bear

Member since
December 2019

6 posts

Posted Mon February 15, 2021 12:44amReport post

Hi, I can't be much help, but I just wanted to offer virtual hugs and sympathise with you that the waiting is awful, and the not knowing what's going to happen is so anxiety-inducing. I barely sleep with all the possibilities of what could happen running through my brain.