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Covid and sentencing?

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Hi we were told my ex partners case has been pushed back till March obviously this is fast approaching and my anxiety is rising. Does anyone know if it is likely to go ahead then?

Posted Fri February 12, 2021 11:21pmReport post


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April 2020

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I'm not sure.. he put in an early plea of guilty and before Xmas there got a date to go to court for sentencing but it was closed and his solicitor told him it's been pushed back to March. I'm confused with it all I don't know what happens

Posted Fri February 12, 2021 11:38pmReport post


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April 2020

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None of that has happened to my knowledge last I heard they were waiting to hear if his early guilty plea was accepted

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 10:19amReport post


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April 2020

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Yes he's been charged but this was over a year ago just want to know what's happening

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 6:30pmReport post


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I don't know, he's not very good at chasing her up and she's not good at keeping in touch this is why I'm frustrated

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 9:20pmReport post


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April 2020

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He never gives me straight answers over what's happening just says he's not heard it's really frustrating

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 9:24pmReport post


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April 2020

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If I ask about it he goes why do you want to know? So you can post about it on that forum

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 9:28pmReport post


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April 2020

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Yeah I totally get that. It's just frustrating for me as your life gets ripped apart then to be told by police etc it's none of your business like I don't have a right to know

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 9:50pmReport post


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I don't know how to

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 10:04pmReport post


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How to get help and move on

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 12:54pmReport post


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April 2020

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Thank you. We've just had a discussion where I asked what's happening with his case to be told "you dont care you've moved on and you're fine" which has really upset me as he clearly doesn't realize the hurt this causes he thinks because it's been a year I'm fine

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 3:00pmReport post


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April 2020

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I keep thinking I should be over it by now and people say no you shouldn't but him telling me I should be makes me feel like he's right I should be over it

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 3:08pmReport post


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December 2020

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Oh lovely... this will be hard to hear. But based on what you've posted here... you need to leave this man. And you can do it. I did it. Do you have children? A good starting point would be to talk this over with Women's Aid. Do you think that is something you could do? Every scenario is different, but this man sounds unsupportive at best. And that's not right. He is in the wrong. The least you can expect is honesty and understanding of what you are going through.

Please call Women's Aid and talk this over with them?

Sending you love and strength x

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 3:33pmReport post


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April 2020

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Thank you yes I have family and friends but don't like to bother them with it. We aren't together it's just difficult

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 3:38pmReport post


Member since
December 2020

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Ah ok. Don't feel like you're bothering them, no one would want any friend or loved one to be suffering in silence. What is more important in this world than being there for others? You would not want a friend to suffer in silence, you would want them to reach out xxx

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 3:46pmReport post

Jane c

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June 2020

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Hun you need to reach out to people you trust for support and talk to your doctor you can't deal with this all on your own I tried that when my partner was first arrest and it took a massive toll on my own mental health

Your ex has no right to say you should be over it these offences aren't something you get over quickly I'm nearly 2 years down the line and still not over it me and my partner still have a very long way to go but he is been open and talking to me if he hadn't been then I would have walked away and made a clean break no matter how hard it is you have to put yourself and your health first you can't help help someone who won't help themselves and isn't been honest or forthcoming with you

From what you have wrote it's sounds very much like your ex doesn't care about the pain and hurt he has caused you or the effects his offending is having on you which to for me would be a massive red flag

Those who love and care about you will want to help and support you through this even if it's just one person you truly trust reach out I ended up in a very dark place because I tried to cope on my own at first it was a massive weight off my shoulders when I found this fourm and reached out for help and opened up to my family and the doctors sorry if this sounds extremely blunt & harsh but from what I've he is playing you and seems very controlling I'd cut all ties as hard as it maybe you can't help someone like your ex he will drag likely you down with him and your worth more and deserve more then how he is treating you Massive Hugs hun

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 4:19pm
Edited Sun February 14, 2021 4:22pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

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Hi Christine

I just wanted to reach out and say you and me have both been manipulated. It's toxic and harmful to your mental health. For your own self worth you need some answers or your gone. Don't settle for someone who clearly isn't sorry or remorseful. You can't live your life like this your in constant turmoil. I totally hear you don't want to be on your own, but are you at peace in your life living in this limbo which isn't yours to carry.

I promise you as the weeks go on after leaving you feel a million times better, you don't need the worry, stress, manipulation of it all. Would you like this kind of relationship for your sister/daughter/best friend? I think I know what your answer will be.

Iv been there hun, lied and lied to beyond belief and was still willing to believe him, only that my disclosure saved me from any more lies and manipulation. I feel like the old yazz again like a huge weight is lifted, I'm not taking my peace for granted ever again.

This process is a trauma, it's a grief of the loss of the relationship, the hopes the dreams, the person, the trust and betrayal, the horror of the nature of it and on top of that all he can't be straight with you?

Life will never be the same for this man, his jobs will be limited, he won't be able to travel freely, children will be under ss, sex offenders register, its alot for anyone to take on and stay with a partner after all of that. If they are showing remorse and signs of rehabilitation fantastic! But if he can't meet you half way hun I think your breaking your own heart by staying.

I don't want to sound blunt, but this is not yours to carry. We're here for a short time not a long time and you deserve peace and honesty. You've got to let yourself heal from this, get therapy talk it out. I find listening to other angles about it have helped me to see this in a different light.

Please look after yourself I hope what I may say might make you see that your not alone, iv come through the exact same.

Yazz xx

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 8:21pmReport post


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July 2020

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Ah bless you Lee xxx

Christine your within your rights to ask for the disclosure hun so please do it! Explain you need answers and I expressed I had young children in my family. Explain what it's doing to your mental health. You can only ask the question can't you? As soon as I got the info I was gone. Major lies were revealed! I knew after that there was no going back. You can start the process off online search Claires law and Sarah's law and you can start the ball rolling. I really hope you do this xx

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:02pmReport post


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September 2018

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Hi Christine, I haven't posted on here for ages, but reading your plight I felt I needed to reach out, I am also in Scotland. I have had 2x knocks 1st time I stayed, 2nd time I just couldn't. Its sounds as if your ex is being manipulative with you, have you phoned woman's aid, they can be very useful and a good listening ear. Also I am sure it's either Sarah's / or Claires law that you can approach for a disclosure on your ex, am say ex however it sounds like hes still a big part of your life, and I know how very difficult it is to cut ties, we just can't switch off feelings for people. Can you check the court rolls, ie the court he is going to, for the date of his appearance, OK at the moment there is no public gallerys however it may give you an, idea when his sentence hearing will be. You can Google scottish court rolls. Xx

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:29pmReport post


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April 2020

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Thanks unfortunately we have no clue when he's up. I don't see how woman's aid could help I really think I need counseling though but my gp doesn't have a counseling service

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:37pmReport post


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April 2020

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What's the disclosure? Does that give me details regarding his case? Does this apply to Scotland?

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:38pmReport post


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September 2018

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The disclosure, assuming you are entitled to the information, will tell you of any convictions, or information you need to know to keep yourself safe, woman's aid can help in that they have contacts with other support services. There is also in Scotland the moodcafe which has links to counclling services.

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:55pmReport post


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September 2018

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Another place for counclling is breathingspace. Scot. X

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 10:13pmReport post

Quick exit