Family and Friends Forum

Waiting still!

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Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 4:01pmReport post

The knock came in July 2020. We were told he had 1 online chat with a minor. Told he was being investigated for sexualise communication. He was ask to hand over his phone and they left. Didn't take any other Devices he wasn't arrested and isn't on police bail. He was told the police will call again once the phone has been look at and if cps want to take it further.

ss have said that he isn't aloud to stay In the family home and that he is only allowed supervise contact in public places. I am waiting to have a capacity to protect assessment but it was cancelled in January due to lock down. It has been months since my boys seen there dad as it's not fun sitting in a car in the cold. I have a child with special-needs and he doesn't understand why daddy can't come home. Ss don't seem to care they have put us on a cin plan.

im just after any advice from anyone that has the same thing going on as me. Is my husband going to end up in prison? Will ss ever let him come home once it is over?


Member since
December 2020

56 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 4:57pmReport post

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Edited Mon February 15, 2021 10:03pm


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 5:46pmReport post

That's what I don't get everyone else has been arrested but my husband wasn't he wasn't evening interviewed they just ask for his phone and left!!

and ss drive me crazy as some people are aloud contact at home but we aren't evening tho myself and school have said my son is suffering not seeing his dad. I wish it would all just end!

my husband phone was plug in on 9th November and we were told turn around was 8-12 weeks! Then it would take the police a while to look at what was found! It was 12 weeks last week so hoping we might get some news soon.


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 7:13pmReport post

Thanks for your reply lee yes I no ss can be a law to there own and have made sure all contact we have with them have been in email so I have prof!! Also iv done a safty plan already and sent it to them and keep just getting told nothing can change till the police are done with my husband!!!!! I do wish it would all be over but I no there is going to be a very long wait! I just don't get how the police can let people go about there normal life when under investigation for years surly some one that has done or look at children you would think it would move along faster then it dose that is what I find the most crazy


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Sat February 13, 2021 8:12pmReport post

Yah it dose make me smile how they make there selfs out to put the best interest of the child but really they have no interest at all just about there self and coving there backs! I'm waiting for a capacity to protect assessment to be done but was told in January it had to be cancelled due to covid it is re book for March but I'm sure that will be cancelled again. I have ask ss many times what they would do if we chose not to stick to the plan and all they ever come back with is "we wouldn't support it" and when I ask what that means they never answer!!!!

I will give the family rights group a look up as it is driving me crazy how upset my children are and that no 1 seems to care! I use to be a respite carer for foster children ao have done loads of work on safeguarding but that just don't seem to matter to ss


Member since
January 2021

50 posts

Posted Sun February 14, 2021 9:57pmReport post

Lee is your child under Cahms? So sorry your child is going through this!!! It must be so upsetting for you to see this