Family and Friends Forum


Member since
July 2020

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Posted Tue February 16, 2021 5:40pmReport post

Hi everyone

I've posted on here a few times since the knock but my story, in short, so far is this..

Knock was early July last year. Police searched the house I live in with my partner and took his devices. His ipad and iphone returned the following day and the laptop kept hold of.

In September he was invited in by the police by appointment for an interview. He did this interview without a solicitor. He was told on his laptop had been found 190 catC images and 1 catB image. He told the police what he told me from the start - that he'd been downloading (what he thought was) legal porn from file sharing sites, and on a few times had ended up with files that contained iioc without meaning to and just deleted anything of this nature.

In December they called him and said the CPS would be taking it to court. He had a letter last week to say his magistrates court apperance in 5th March. The letter says possession of the above images.

My question is, what to expect now? I can't believe we've got to this stage, everytime we hear any news on the case I feel the same as I did on the day of the knock and remember that day like it was yesterday. I think I'm getting on okay under the circumstances and try to keep myself busy but sometimes I get really down over it or just burst into tears randomly. My partner has started talking about moving house but i don't want to move :( i guess i still can't even believe this is happening!

The policeofficer said when they called him in December it is possible get sorted at the magistrates court - i think thats doubtful especially after all the posts ive read on here over the last 8 months and it seems people usually end up in crown court and i've told him this.

I just want to know what to expect at magistrates court... will he enter his plea here and then we will await a date for crown court? One thing i'm really scared about is the media - do they go to magistrates court or is that something that happens more at crown court? or does it just depend? we haven't told anyone so im terrified of it coming out through the media? and is it normally a long wait between a date in magistrates court and a date in crown court? i read there is a huge backlog at the moment in cases

I would be hugely grateful if anyone could give me any idea of what to expect from here? The main thing that keeps me going is that one day this will all be over :(


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Tue February 16, 2021 6:00pmReport post

Hi there

Hope your bearing up well in these horrible circumstances. He will make his plea in the magistrates court then he will wait 28 days and sentencing if any will happen at the crown court. Crown Court can hand out a higher sentence than a magistrates. In my ex partners case the magistrates sent him to crown so he got the maximum sentence.

If he pleads guilty there will be a reduction of sentence as it has saved the court time and money in having a trial

If he pleads not guilty there will be a trial.

Hope that helps a little x


Member since
July 2020

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Posted Tue February 16, 2021 6:02pmReport post

Also in my case the media did not attend the plea hearing, but they did appear at the sentencing. I am going through the aftermath of the media and socials. See my posts under media and telling others. Nothing can prepare you for the media and no amount of worry will change that but you need to really look after your well being to get through this and you will I promise. I got cbt and councilling from NHS talking therapies and it has helped greatly x


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Tue February 16, 2021 6:29pmReport post

Hi Yazznan

Thank you for replying to me :)

My partner will be pleading guilty - even though he didn't mean to end up in the possession of the photos he did and theres no denying that. Does that mean that 28 days after the 5th of March he will appear in crown court for the sentencing? At first I thought 'he won't go to prison' but now its scaring me like - what if he does?!?

Do you mind me asking what your partner was charged with and what his sentence was from the crown court? i've seen your posts on here before but i can't remember the detail

In terms of the media i have come off facebook and hes not on it anyway. He has 2 grown up kids and im really worried about them finding out about the whole situation in this way but i don't think he wants to tell them which i can also understand. I think he'd rather just leave it and hope its not in the media but i'm not so sure. The only positive thing i can think in terms of this for myself is that i live in a different area to my family - i moved to this area because my partner lived here - hence none of my family follow the news pages for this area... but i'm still obviously very concerned about his family and our work places/colleagues - i will go and check out your post on the media forum now

thanks for your advice x


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Tue February 16, 2021 9:34pmReport post

No need to thank me :) yes it's normally 28 days later but I'm sure on the day of the plea he will be informed of when to return to court. It's quite a quick in and out for the plea. It's the sentencing which will go into more details. They have to allow time for the pre sentencing reports to be done, any character references which may go in his favour, any rehabilitation they may have seeked. His solicitor will advise him on all of this.

My ex partner profusely denied all charges against himself tried to blame someone else when in reality there was noone else involved. He made a fabricated story up which was convincing. He lied and lied and manipulated me. This crime happened way before we met. Police raided his then property as it had flagged up in his then IP address. They collected his electronic devices and that was when they discovered the severity of what he was doing. He also spoke in chatrooms with others about his interests. Approximately 500 images and some were exchanged. They were in the worst cat.

However he had the nerve to get in a relationship with this hanging over him!

He got 2 years suspended sentence

Lots of community service

10 years sex offenders register and lots of other restrictions against him.

Do you know if your going to stay with your partner? There is no right or wrong answer no one here can judge because every situation is different and complex. In my case I have no children, my own house and I am counting my lucky stars I can get away from this creature who abused me mentally and took advantage of me in lots of ways.

His life is over now. I can only hope he moves far away. Iv read the threats towards him online. I hope to god he stays well away from me. He's put me through absolute hell.

Take each day as it comes. Don't overwhelm yourself thinking far ahead. Ultimately put you first. Lots of self care and if you have someone you trust talk it out. I kept this in for 8 months and honestly I done myself more harm than good.i feared people would associate me with him and now it's all out in the open, in the papers, in the socials iv been shown alot of love, care and compassion. It's restored my faith in my circle that they have my back.

Now is the challenge of rebuilding my life, putting this negative experience behind me and moving forward x


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Wed February 17, 2021 3:52pmReport post

Yazznan, I can't believe he got into a relationship with you with all this hanging over him and then had the audacity to make up a story! i'm so sorry you went through all that! but i'm so glad you seem to be getting your life back on track now!

I am going to stay with my partner. We've been together 10years this year, i love him and i do believe hes telling me the truth. I asked him a lot after the knock to tell me the extent of it - for example if he'd searced for these images and wanted to actually view them i needed to know. maybe things wouldve been different if he'd said yes to those questions - maybe i wouldn't have stayed - but you never know i guess until it happens. He doesn't usually lie to me - even if things are bad he will tell me how it is - so i believe hes telling the truth, i'm just annoyed at his stupidity and that its costing us now! i know hes frustrated with himself too. his whole reasoning sort of goes - "i downloaded stuff thinking it was legal porn, sometimes files came through that i didn't want (iioc), so i just deleted them and thought not much more of it - i didn't report it to the police because i thought the police knew it was out there and theres nothing they'd have been able to do" - which i guess i understand. I just wish he hadn't continued to download off these file sharing sites and i wish he hadn't been so stupid and realised how serious this stuff is! we are a happy couple and have a good life and i'm so scared of that all being taken away from us.

Your ex's situation sounds slightly worse than my parthers (in that mine hadn't comminucated in chatrooms and had fewer images of lesser categories) so i hope the fact your ex didn't get a custodial sentence means mine won't either - are you in england can i ask? (i realise you can never know these things for sure). The letter from the court just says possession - i know possession counts even if theyve been deleted. I was concerned the charge would be for sharing too as his explanation to me of file sharing sites (i have no idea as i've never been near one) was that as you download from them, the same stuff uploads at the same time. The letter doesn't say anything about this so i'm not sure.

I've checked your posts on the media forum and found them useful thank you. I hope to god this isn't in the media but at least i know if it is, people do get through it. ive been frantically googling the crime and our area and can see reports on such cases before from this area, its so scary, i felt that with covid and lockdown there was less chance of any reporters being there but that doesn't seem to be the case, so it seems its just luck of the draw :(

once again thanks for speaking to me on this and sharing your story, i wish you so much good luck& happiness for the future after what you've been through! x


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Wed February 17, 2021 4:53pmReport post

My hubby was at magistrates 2weeks one was allowed in the building let alone the courtroom due to covid-19 and its been advised that it will be same when he goes to crown court for sentencing next week..

We were independently advised that no one but no one will be allowed in that doesn't need to be there and all we can do is hope that this is the case x


Member since
July 2020

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Posted Wed February 17, 2021 5:00pmReport post

Hi Annie

Thanks for the info. Do you mean in terms of reporters? I take it there were no reporters at your husbands magistrates court apperance?

I am planning to go to both court apperances with him although i guess there is little point as i won't be able to go in

#Can i ask what your partner is being charged with?


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Wed February 17, 2021 5:46pmReport post

Hi sashadill

I still can't believe he did either. How cruel he was. Today I can't stop crying. Even though this is over the damage is done.

It's really positive your partner will talk about this and answer your questions. Mine wouldn't and that's a huge red flag. I have heard when downloading this can happen but your suppose to report it. Until this situation arose I didn't know that!

You will be scared it's only natural. It's life changing and alot hangs in the balance.

Your solicitor will guage an estimate of sentencing with an idea of what may come. It really depends on the judge on the day. Prison normally is for huge volumes of cat a, intent to meet.

Yes I am. In England. I think the term sharing means sending to another person. Someone may correct me here if I'm wrong.

It's really hit or miss about the media. The paps got him outside the court and an article was printed in press so a reporter in his case must of been allowed access.

Thank you for all your well wishes. And if you have any more questions come on I'll try my best to help you. Look after yourself x


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

Posted Wed February 17, 2021 6:56pmReport post

Hi sashadill

Hes been charged with being in possession of iioc

I wasn't at his magistrates appearance for that reason no one was allowed in..

My dad went with him but he wasn't even allowed in the building and was made to wait outside

I cant go to crown court with him because of that same reason ,it'd be pointless if I'm not allowed in and because it's early in the morning aswell and I have our daughter to get out to school xx