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Forensics & SOR.

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Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 9:54amReport post


I have a few questoins and wondered if anyone could give me an idea of what I could face.

***How long do forensics take ONCE THEY HAVE STARTED looking at the device. I know there is a long wait for it to be looked at, but does it take long when they start the process?

***Can you be put on the sex offenders register without being taken to court? Ie... through a police caution.

***If they're placed on the sex offenders register can they ever live with their own children?

My husband has had 1 in and one out on snapchat. CatC. Hoping it comes back with no other images, searches, and is clear he wasnt intending to come into contact with that. It was women he was talking too and I'm hoping someone sent it to test the waters and my husband sent it on not realising what it was. Long shot hope I guess. :-( Going crazy waiting.

Knock was October 2020. It's now been 4 months of waiting for forensics.

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

68 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 10:14amReport post

My husbands took 8 weeks. They found an extra image when they searched his. He was interviewed again & then the case was sent to the CPS. They chose to close the case with no further action & then SS signed the case off too.

I hope you hear soon.


Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 11:12amReport post

Hi Mum of 3.

Would you mind telling me your story? How did he end up with 2 images, and did he send them on or was it only posession?

My husband went onto an adult chat room, put his snapchat name on their for women to send him photos, and ended up exchanging photos with women but also sending womens photos to men and receiving womens photos back from men. (Some sort of 'hot wife' thing. So you send images of your wife and they send you them back. This was obviously done without my consent so I was unaware he was on the chat rooms, unaware he was asking women to snapchat him rude photos, and unaware he was sharing my images) Totally betrayed on so many levels. So from putting his snapchat name on the chat room he has ended up in posession of 1 iioc CatC but he forwarded it on. (I am hoping he was sending so many images out of me and other women that it slipped through unnoticed - long shot I know.) but its the only theory that makes this situation we are in better. I dont know what will happen if they find more obviously, but I'm hoping it was 1 in and 1 out and if its obvious that it wasnt intentional I'm hoping he will not be taken to court but I dont know how it works :-( Hate being in this situation.

He hasnt lived in the house since the knock. I just want a normal life back and Im praying he hasnt done this on purpose or that there is more.

So your husbands took 8 weeks to go through once they had started it?

Thank you for your reply. So appreciated. x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 11:32amReport post

Hi colourful.

I can give some insight into question three. The SOR itself doesn't restrict living arrangements. It is more of a legal requirement for the offender to register certain details about themselves to the police. The SHPO is what places the restrictions. But I'm not sure what measures SW could place for those on the SOR e.g. maybe they have the power to ban offenders to live at home on SOR until they have closed a case?

Forensic is hard to say really. Since it appears unknown until they start what they will find. I assume the less there is to find the quicker the process. My partner had hundreds unfortunately and took two years from the knock to sentencing...


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 11:52amReport post


As far as I know it takes the offender to be charged to bring the offender to court and if found guilty they must sign the sex offenders register within 3 days of being sentenced. This wouldn't be done earlier I imagine. You can ask the investigating officer questions but if the investigation is still ongoing then you won't be told anything in case it compromises their investigation.

I also believe some devices are more troublesome for the forensics to open ie iPhones. This would be where your time frame may be longer. Also depends on what they find too what volumne is involved. I think people will agree with me here every journey is different, some are quite fast and some drag out for a few years. It can also be dependent on where you are living in the country and covid delayed my ex partners case by a couple of months.



Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 11:59amReport post

To answer your question about a caution, yes if they are cautioned for one of the offences that results in SOR, they will be subject to it for 2 years.

There are definitely implications to accepting a caution that people should be made aware of if they police go down that route.

Once subject to SOR then SS are very likely to be involved, as risk assessments and data are shared between multiple agencies.

There is a lot of info on what being on the register means on both unlock and nacro's websites.


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 12:26pmReport post

My husband phone got plug in on the 9th November after it was removed from him on July 2th!(18 weeks) I was told by police it can take 8/12 weeks to download the info on it. It has now been 15 weeeks and still no news!


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Mon February 22, 2021 1:45pmReport post

@majestictopaz15 Wow. 2 Years? I'm so sorry you had to go through that for so long. Must have been so difficult for you. Okay, I think that makes sense then with the SS & SHPO. However to be honest unless he comes back clean I'm not sure I would have him back anyhow.

@Yazznan Thank you yazz, thats what I thought. No real time frame. Lucky its an andriod phone not iphone. I'm just so bored of the waiting and not knowing.

@lee1969 Hey Lee, Hope you're well and you've made some more progress in your situation. Lovely to hear from you again, and that's great thank you. Just googled SHPO etc. I'm not sure I would have him back if he was on the SOR because if you're put on the SOR then surely that means you HAVE done something. :-(

@mjl73 Thank you, that is really helpful information. I will look at the websites now.

@Colaroo Oh no! That is such a frustrating time frame isnt it. :-( Hope it all comes back okay for you


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Mon February 22, 2021 10:28pmReport post

Colourful - my husband is on the SOR and he has been allowed to return to live at home and no longer needs supervised contact. SS have closed our case. His SHPO didn't state he couldn't live with children - it was largely based around internet activities (e.g informing police if he gets a new device)

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

68 posts

Posted Tue February 23, 2021 3:01amReport post

Hello Colourful, sorry I have only just seen your reply.

My husbands story is as follows -

We received the nock in the August. The officer in charge explained that our IP address had been passed onto them from Kik. My husband seemed to know straight away what the officer was referring to & so he was taken down to the station for questioning...

He had been using Kik for a matter of days & was sharing/receiving porn via it. One of the files sent down contained mostly women but mixed within that file was a total of 5 iioc. At the time he was aware of 3 of these.

During forensics they could see that it was a whole file received with these mixed within. He skimmed through the photos that were of age and came across 3 of the iioc. 1 of these photos was 'age questionable' and he had sent this one on to someone else. Forensics could see although he had accessed the file, he hadn't accessed all of the iioc and he deleted the file as soon as he released 2 were definitely children. They could also see that the Kik account was immediately closed down after this.

His biggest mistake was never reporting the file when he realised what it contained ????. He says this was through fear.